Mar 12, 2011 13:18
apiphile: I have realised I can actually never unleash this fic on the public.
swear_jar: WHY NOT?
apiphile: because
swear_jar: because why
apiphile: while my friends will be like "story, yay, 25k+ of awkward and hitting things"
apiphile: people whom I don't know will immediately assume that Ariadne is some kind of self-insert
apiphile: they will complain that she's not realistic
swear_jar: oh I don't know
apiphile: they will complain that her house is gross
apiphile: they will complain that I can't write women
swear_jar: let them
swear_jar: then just set your people on them
apiphile: Hah no then I'd be a cunt who can't take criticism
differently gay,
i'm doin' it wrong,
why the fuck am i doing this