I think I'm in denial

Jun 01, 2011 23:38

I should be doing any number of productive things, but here I am, on a borrowed laptop and avoiding my problems.

Me and my shitty laptop (like all my other shitty possessions) have had a deal for a while. Just stay alive. Just a little longer till I can find a better you.

But it welched on the deal today.

The adapter kept refusing to give it power, but would sometimes play along. It's been like this a while. Then I, fool that I am, in the middle of net issues, decided  to just power it down to let it take a second and sort its shit. Now it just won't start up again. It tries valiantly to power on, but fails. The power light and battery light just go right out.

As it is, I can either buy a new adapter and see if it works (the battery does take a charge when the adapter decides to give it one). But if that doesn't work, I'm out the cost of a new adapter for no reason (maybe try something easily returned, on that thought).

I could buy a new battery just to get my files, but it might not come all charged up and then I'm out the cost of a battery.

Also, as I think this is power or motherboard issues, I think the hard drive is okay. I can get my files from Geeksquad or wherever.

Worst comes to worst, if I can't live without it, I can buy a used version of this laptop cheap and pop my hard drive in.

This just sucks for now.

I do have a borrowed laptop from my uncle, but not forever.

Hell, he might decide he suddenly wants it tomorrow -- which is why I am keeping mum about my problems as he never used this. It still has all the stickers, though it's five year's old. I might buy myself a few more days.

As it is, there's nothing I can do about it right now. So I've spent the night catching up on my flist and watching shows and trying to forget that my life is over.

I have most of my stuff backed up, but not my fic in the last six months. It's not like I have whole novels stored. I think I can easily pick up from where I left off on forums and fic blogs, but a lot of the outlining ahead and planning will be gone.

I think I'm most annoyed about itunes. I do all my tracks for busking and gigs there and, though I have the files on an external hard drive, it will be annoying doing the whole thing again. But doable.

Also Word. I had Word on there and use it for many things, plus my cd labels were there and video files. It's an expensive program and open office is just not the same.

It's not the end of the world.

I'm just very annoyed.

Maybe I'll get an adapter tomorrow and everything will be fine.

But I doubt it.

real life, bitching

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