Wow, Smallville. You really do have no shame.

May 30, 2011 03:38

So I finally watched The Hangover. What can I say? I've heard everyone and their Roger Ebert loved it. But I just wasn't in the mood to bother with it. But it's summer and the summer shows haven't started yet. Great time to catch up on movies I missed.

Having seen it, I wasn't that impressed. It has moments that must be funny. I just never ended up laughing much... except for when I realized how badly Smallville really did rip it off for Fortune.

Not having seen that movie, I'd (not so seriously) listed the ways it ripped off one of my fics. Not in mood or overall story, but in some specific events that happened in both. Now that I've seen the movie it really did rip off, I stand corrected.

They didn't just rip off that movie. They copied and pasted most of it.

From the shot where Clark wakes up (a total rip off of the exact same shot of Ed Helms) to the "let's look at pictures that remind us of what we did"/"let's look at a video that reminds of of what we did.

There's A wedding in a blue, ruffly tuxedo in both.

We've got tiger/chicken/baby to counter... Lemur. Lemur seems pretty lame now.

We've got cellphone confusion on the room.

I'd list more, but I'm tired.

But, really! That's not an homage, Smallville. That's a blatent rip off.

if you weren't in the corber forever already, I'd put you there for this.

I mean, in a span of four episodes, you managed to rip off:

The Hangover
Date Night
The Matrix
Overdrawn At The Memory Banks (or Total Recall for non MST3K watchers)

You should be paying them! Sadly, all these movies (even Overdrawn at The Memory Banks) are too cool to care about you and what you do.

So I should be, too.

smallville, television, ranting

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