(no subject)

Apr 30, 2015 09:12

Alright, so I've just been fucking around for most of the morning. I'm supposed to be way more productive than this. But as it goes, I've been getting to the cafe bright and early, so that I can get a table and an outlet, eating a pastry, drinking a coffee, and fooling around with lumosity, chatting with friends, Facebooking, reading up on new diets, and doing some light amazon shopping.

But I had a kind of strained phone convo with Doron last night. I don't think it actually has anything to do with me and is more about his finals. His finals scare the hell out of me because I don't understand a thing about that stuff - engineering classes with frightening titles, such as "Applied Fluids," and "Differential Equations." Jesus Christ.

We did speak a little about Becca last night because she's been getting on my nerves, and Doron's been very supportive. She won't stop using these Fox News names for "liberals," meaning me, and making fun of things she knows are elements of my identity and lifestyle, such as organic foods, non-GMO food, healthy eating, etc. I'm so sick of her referring to me as a "Boulderite" or referring to something I'm saying as very "Whole Foods." 1) I'm not a fucking Boulderite and never fit in here-my family is not from here, and if she thinks about going to other places in the country-even in Brooklyn, Manhattan, L.A., etc.-and see that other people also don't want to eat shitty, processed food, maybe her eyes would open a little more. She hates Obama, supports Bibi, seems borderline racist at times - and she once referred to my parents' home in a somehow-negative way that it's "intellectual and artsy" etc. Anyhow, I feel badly for talking about her to Doron because I feel I come off as judgmental, but I told him he's my best friend now, and I tell him things I don't tell anyone else. He said he was honored I called him my best friend - he didn't reciprocate, but that's alright - and doesn't think I'm judgmental. Still, I feel badly about it and want to stop being so annoyed with the world.

But I'm trying to figure out what I can do to make things feel less stressful for him. So, I came up with this idea to get him a good luck charm. It seems tacky, but! I found a few studies that proved the efficacy of such superstitions. I wrote this for him, and I'll put it in a card and give it to him this weekend, along with the charm I pick up for him after work today:

Dear Doron,
According to the research of psychologists at the University of Cologne in Germany, superstitions do have measured power. The researcher team conducted a series of experiments to study the connection between behavior and "object superstitions" in college students. One of these involved a good luck charm, and it was shown that the students who brought personal tokens of luck with them to a memory test and an anagram test scored better on both than those who didn't.
So, I thought I'd give you this _____, in case you wanted to participate in the scientific process and see for yourself. Maybe it'll bring you luck on your finals (not that you'll need any).
I'm very proud of you, in all that you do.
I'll see you on the other side.
All my love,

stress, relationships, becca, finals, love, doron

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