Speech Therapy?

Jan 26, 2010 20:46

I'm so incredibly frustrated right now. I went from cloud 9 to pissed off hell with John. It's like this rational, incisive, intelligent, fun, and humourous man that I've had around for a little bit now has gone to Bermuda and a substitute John has appeared to run things. This substitute John cannot form sentences, has no common sense (he held my coat up to help me put it on and held it at his head level), and clearly learned English as his fifth or sixth language. It was especially disturbing to come home to this switch after being elated off my ass for the entire day. He doesn't understand why I'm so frustrated and why the night can't be salvaged. I just want to go to sleep in hopes that the real John will return when I wake up.

My therapist recently suggested that I find a speech therapist to help him. She wondered if he had a learning disability and asked if he had trouble spelling. I told her he easily corrected his spelling and that seemed to dispel the disability theory. Not to mention that, on several occasions,  John's explained to me that he just ignored his English teachers in school, never bothered to look in the dictionary until recently, and previously always wanted to "be creative" with how he exercised his lexicon (meaning that he used to want to use words the way other people didn't and didn't understand that there were strict rules about such things). And, from my experience, his family has bastardized the English language to such an extent that it would be impossible for a child not to be ineloquent if he were immersed in such an atmosphere. So, it seems partially like arrogance to me (and he was pretty damn arrogant up until a year ago, which he freely admits), and partially like he was screwed over.

That said, I still have no idea what to do. John had asked me if an English tutor would help - he wants to fix this problem not just to improve our relationship/communication, but also because he's going to fail miserably as a lawyer if he can't make any sense either in writing or in person. Maybe a speech/language therapist is still the right route to take.

Blegh. This is sad that today is ending like this. But I have no idea how to snap out of it at the moment.

communication, john, speaking, therapy, irritability

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