Daybreakers // TV

Jan 20, 2010 11:38

Saw Daybreakers, like, uh, some time ago. -_- I wrote most of this post something like two weeks ago and didn't post it. Anyway. Perfectly Acceptable Vampire Movie. Mostly watched it for evil Dr. Grant Sam Neill, and he was deliciously evil. Ethan Hawke did not annoy the fuck out of me, which is always a major accomplishment on his part. Willem Dafoe stole the show, as he does. It was the worldbuilding I was more intrigued by, really, and I wish we had more of it, though what we got, I found awesome. In a way, it actually worked better. It has been said that you should show only 10% of the world you've built, because it hints at a complete picture, rather than dumping useless info on the audience. And they did that in this movie. There was a lot of good hinting of a wider world. Instead of feeling like they pieced together the stuff only necessary for the scenes shot, I felt like a whole world was peeking around the edges. This is a double-edged sword, however, because the ending of the movie is very narrow-scoped, and I'm left wondering what the fuck's gonna happen to the rest of the world.

I want to talk about some issue of gender disparity that this movie rose up in me, in a weird indirect sort of way, but I think I'm too tired to talk about it, since I'll both be repeating myself and preaching to the choir.

In other news, I'm STILL behind on a lot of TV from before winter hiatus, so I'm all kinds of FLAIL OMG IDK now that new TV has started up again. I still haven't seen "Throwing Fire" for The Mentalist, which makes no fucking sense considering how LONG and DESPERATELY I waited for it. I'm two eps behind now. I'm also quite behind on Criminal Minds. I feel really awkward saying this, considering how insanely much I love the show, but I think I've kinda cooled off on it. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the resolution of the Reaper arc, or it all just happened to coincide with my backing away from shows that are too serious or depressing. Looking at my current TV plate, they're all very happy-making shows. 24 is ostensibly serious, but really, I cackle a lot and flip my shit since it's action crack. So. Not about to drop CM by ANY means, of course, but I think I might fall behind more often than not, which used to be pretty unthinkable.

I've said that I wasn't going to speculate which shows I'll keep current on and which not, but I think most likely at this point, it'll be 24 and Legend of the Seeker that will be very definite Must Watch Now shows. They are the ones that make me the most happy. The rest will probably be a crapshoot.

the mentalist, criminal minds, tv, 24, movies

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