On Writing

Jan 14, 2010 13:59

I've been wanting to say something about writing, but I didn't really know how to articulate it, which is a huge irony of my life, I realize. Being a writer, but sucking very hard at articulating myself. -_-

Anyway, with regards to writing, I've defined myself as a writer for a very very long time. I kinda feel like that's changing. It's been changing for awhile, really, but it's become more... salient? I don't think I've stopped being a writer. But the urgency has lessened a lot. And more than anything, I think my brain understands now that it doesn't define who I am. Or, more accurately, I've grown to a point where that isn't the only worthy feature of my existence, the sole characteristic of Twig. I am not defined by producing work. I do not stop being me when I am not writing. I can be perfectly happy not writing for awhile. The break does not mean I'm a creative failure.

Granted, I still struggle with those ideas every now and then, because writing has been such a huge part of my life and it used to be that ONE thing I held onto even when my life was shit. But like an investment portfolio, it's good to diversify.

In other news, I have a new header. I blame this on yesdrizella.


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