J2 - An Unexpected Love - Chapter 12B/16 - Mpreg

Apr 12, 2010 19:09

Title : An Unexpected Love   12B/16

Rating :  NC17 for sex

Word Count : 13,671/129,030

Disclaimer : Really if they belonged to me do you think I'd have time to be posting.

Warnings : Talk of past abuse,  Mpreg

Author : angels3 aka Angela

Beta : munibunny

Art and Soundtrack : ldyghst

Additional Art : wincest_drarry

Characters : Jensen/Jared, Steve/Chris, there may be more pairings along the way I'm not sure at the moment.Mike, Tom, Chad, Sandy, Sophia and Joshua Jackson will all be in this fic. There may be others as I find myself needing more characters.

Summary : Grief stricken over the death of his brother, cynical movie maverick Jared Padalecki did the unthinkable - he sought comfort in the arms of his brother's fiancee. The morning after, they both realized their mistake and left for their separate lives. Only Jared can't forget Jensen's soft lips and beautiful eyes. Even as Jared was beginning to think he had to see him again, Jensen came to him.

Jensen was pregnant with his child. His - not his brother's. Jared knew he wanted Jensen more than he'd ever wanted any other woman or man.

First he had to marry him.

Then he had to make Jensen love him.

Author Notes : I am basing this story off a book I read fourteen years ago. I do actually have the book but I will not be using it to write this story. I will be going from my memory of what happened in it, there will be some things that run the way the book did and lots that will not as this is a J2 and mpreg on top of that. The only thing that will be word for word, and then not really, will be the summary since I couldn't do it justice any other way.

Based on the book Scandals by JoAnn Ross

Harlequin Temptation Sept.1994 #506

Chapters    1    2   3   4A   4B   5A    5B   5C  6A   6B  7A  7B   8A  8B   9A  9B  10  11A  11B   12A  12B  13A   13B   14   15A   15B   16
Art and Soundtrack

Additonal Art

I was coming out of the kitchen and this guy just busts in the door yelling for Gabriel. I remember hoping he'd left to go run some errand because I knew he'd been there earlier. When I saw him walking down the stairs, I just wanted to shove him back up but the guy was waving this huge gun around. I could see Mike on the phone, and I knew he was calling the police but I didn't think they'd get there in time." Jensen paused, taking another sip of water looking at Jared sadly.

Jared nodded, waiting for his husband to continue. He wanted Jensen to be able to get it out and interrupting would only prolong the pain of having to recount it.

"He just kept yelling and then he started shooting. I saw Gabriel fall and I'm not even sure what happened after that. I was trying to keep pressure on the wounds, there were two I think but there was so much blood. Can someone even live when they've lost that much blood?" He asked anxiously.

"People have lived through some of the worst things imaginable and come out the other side."

Jensen shook his head, trying not to remember what he'd already lived through. "He was shooting wild after Gabriel fell. One of them hit the mirror in the hall, when the glass shattered some of it hit me. I guess that's where I got the cut."

"What happened to Gabriel's dad?" Jared ran a hand through Jensen's hair, massaging his head.

"Tom tackled him. I remember that, but I don't know what happened after that. I was trying to keep Gabriel awake and talking. You haven't heard anything about him?"

"Jensen, as soon as I heard there was a shooting at the center, and they'd taken people to the hospital, I tried your phone and it just went to voice mail. I came straight here to look for you. They brought me back here and I haven't left."

"Do you think we could find out, so that Gabriel will know he can't hurt him again when he wakes up?"

"Yeah, I think we can do that," Jared said, leaning over to place a gentle kiss on Jensen's forehead. "Why don't you wash your hands and let me see if I can get you another shirt, and then I'll take you home."

"I can't go home."

"Jen, they're not going to know anything for hours yet, you need to rest."

"I took a nap. I'm not going home until I find our how Gabriel is!" Jensen stated adamantly.

Jared sighed, he knew the chances of leaving the hospital before they found out Gabriel's condition was next to none, but he had to try. He watched Jensen scrub his hands repeatedly before taking them in his own and inspecting them. There were still flecks under Jensen's fingernails but the rest of the blood had been cleaned away.

"I can't get it off Jared," Jensen whispered brokenly.

"I know baby, let me go get you another shirt and see if they've got something to help."

Jared quickly found a nurse and explained the situation. He was grateful when she just nodded and headed towards the linen closet. She gave him an extra large scrub shirt and a small brush, explaining to him that surgeons used it to clean under their fingernails before they went into surgery. He thanked her profusely and quickly made his way back to the room. Jensen was still standing where he'd left him, staring at his hands as if he'd never see them clean again.

Jensen looked up when the door shut but then just went back to looking at his hands. Jared took him by the shoulders, carefully turning him around so he could help him get out of the ruined shirt and put on the new one. Once that was accomplished, he took each of Jensen's hands in his, gently scrubbing away every trace of blood he could find, and then drying off each and every digit before rubbing the rest of his hands dry.

"The nurse said we could wait in the family lounge on the OR floor if we wanted to."

"Will they give us updates, since we're not family?"

"I'm sure either Steve or Chris is up there, and they're both listed as next of kin, aren't they?"

"Yeah, Gabriel didn't have anyone else to put down on his school forms and things so they had a lawyer set it up for them in case something happened. I think the hospital is familiar enough with them to do it anyway, though."

"Okay, so let's go up there and get you settled, and we'll see what's going on. I need to call Chad too, or he's going to rip the hospital apart looking for us."

"Do you think you could call Sophia for me? I know she's heard by now, and I don't want her to worry, but I don't think I can talk to anybody right now."

"You know I will. Now let's go get directions so I can get you sitting down and comfortable."

Jensen wasn't happy with the fact that the nurse came in pushing a wheelchair but since it was the only way he was going to be able to get to the right spot he relented. Jared gave a small smile at Jensen's pout but followed along beside the nurse until they came to the lounge.

Steve was on his feet as soon as Jared pushed the door open for the nurse.

"They said you were okay," Steve growled.

"I am okay," Jensen reassured, letting Jared help him out of the wheelchair and settle him on the small couch, stretching his legs out on the cushions.

"Then why did they wheel you in here, and you have a bandage on your head?"

"I got cut by some flying glass, nothing important, and the wheelchair was the only way they'd let me come up here. Which I don't think was right at all, since I'd been released," Jensen grumbled.

Steve looked at Jared for confirmation and relaxed minutely when his friend's husband nodded.

"Jensen, I'm going to go out to the main lobby so I can make those calls, and then I'll be right back. Do you want anything from the machines while I'm out there?"

"Some juice if they have it, if not get me a soda. I think my sugar level's a little low."

"Are feeling all right," Jared knelt down in front of him, looking him over intently.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy. I don't know how long it's been, since I ate last."

Jared glanced at his watch shocked that it was almost eight. "It's probably been awhile. Let me see what I can find."

"I don't think I could eat right now."

"We'll see," Jared said softly and then turned to Steve. "Do you want something while I'm gone?"

"Can you rustle me up some coffee?"

Jared nodded, promising to be back as soon as he took care of everything.

As soon as the door closed, Steve was off the chair trying to get a look at Jensen's cuts. "Are you sure you shouldn't be in a bed?"

Jensen batted his hands away. "Yes I'm sure, and no, I shouldn't be in a bed. What have they said about Gabriel?"

Steve didn't look all that convinced, but he sat back down with a loud sigh. "Nothing much, he was already in surgery when I got here. They said he was young, and he was fighting but they also said he'd lost a lot of blood and that the bullets entered at places where there are lots of vital organs."

"Did they tell you what his chances were?"

"60/40 and that's not in his favor," Steve answered before Jensen could ask.

Jensen swallowed, not sure there was anything else he could say, but he didn't want to sit and think either.

"Where's Chris?"

"He's at the center trying to get things under control. We decided that one of us needed to be there until things calmed down."

Jensen raised an eyebrow at that, "you both decided?"

"Okay fine, I decided but you know how he is when he just has to sit and wait. He'd either get kicked out, or he'd have to be sedated. I told him once he thought things were okay there, to come up."

"And he accepted that?" Jensen knew better and was waiting for Steve to fold.

"No, not so much."

"So how did you get him to stay?"

"I told him I didn't want Gabriel to see his blood in the hallway when he came home." Steve answered in a near whisper.

Jensen didn't say anything for a minute, trying to swallow past the lump in his throat.

"Tom was going to the store to get some paint while they waited for the police to finish up the evidence collecting. The police are going to want to talk to you, but I told them you weren't going to be available until tomorrow at the earliest depending on what the doctor said. They gave me their card so you could call and set up a time to see them."

"What happened to Gabriel's dad?"

"Police hauled his sorry ass off. He better not see the light of day this time," Steve growled.

"I know someone who can help with that," Jensen offered.

"We might need it."


Jared's long legs ate up the distance to the elevators. He was on the phone as soon as he cleared the no cell poster. Chad picked up on the first ring, yelling at someone in the background to shut the fuck up.

"Is Jensen okay?"

"He's going to be all right. He's got some stitches where he got cut by some flying glass, but he's going to be fine."

"How about the baby?"

"Dr. Agnit showed up a little while after I got there and he hooked Jensen up to the monitors and everything looked good. His blood pressure was up right after, but it had come back down once he'd relaxed some. Where are you at right now?"

"Standing in the Emergency room lobby glaring at the nurse that won't tell me shit," Chad complained.

"Well, meet me outside the main lobby where I will tell you shit." Jared hung up to dial Sophia's number.

He stepped outside the sliding doors, looking around for Chad while he waited for Sophia to answer the phone.

"Jared?" Sophia answered in a panic.

"Yeah, it's me. You've heard the news, I guess."

"Is Jensen all right? They said two victims were taken to the hospital, but they weren't releasing names. I know Jensen was going to be there today."

Jared jumped in when Sophia took a breath. "He was there, and they did bring him to the hospital, but he just needed stitches from flying glass."

"Who was the other person?"

He knew she'd gone to the center with Jensen and even started volunteering when she had some free time, so he knew it wasn't going to be easy when he told her.

"It was Gabriel. He's in surgery right now, I don't know anything else."

"Jesus Christ! It was his dad wasn't it? That son of a bitch!"

"How did you know it was his dad?"

"Gabriel told me his dad had sent him a letter. He never read it, said he gave it to Chris, and I know it was sent through the prison, but it's not that hard to find someone if you really want to. The center’s been on TV too, the grand opening, and I know Gabriel was there. They could have caught him on tape."

Jared hadn't even thought of that. Only the counselors were around during the kiss ass part of the grand opening but that didn't mean the news crews hadn't gotten some earlier footage. He was pretty sure the few people that had already been in residence stayed well out of the lime light for privacy and security sake but Gabriel helped in a lot of areas, even if he wasn't a full fledged counselor.

"Did they shoot the bastard?"

"Not that I'm aware of, but I honestly haven't asked anybody. The news didn't say?"

"No, but they're keeping fairly tight lipped on the information they're releasing. Do you need me to bring you guys anything?"

"I don't think so. Chad's already here so I'll send him, but Jensen would probably be happy to see you tomorrow."

"I'll come when I get off work. He's not going to leave until he finds out about Gabriel, and then he needs to get some rest. You make sure he takes care of himself, or you're gonna have to deal with me."

Jared smiled at the normality of the threat and promised to do so before hanging up just as Chad rounded the corner, panting as if he'd run a mile.

"Damn it," he huffed.

"Seriously, you really need to go to the gym." Jared ragged him.

"Fuck you bitch. My heart rate was already through the roof not knowing what was going on. Now what the hell happened?"

Jared filled him in on everything he knew so far and what was going on with Gabriel.

"Shit that's not cool. He's a great kid."

They made their way to the cafeteria to find food and coffee for everyone. Chad told him that they still hadn't released the names, but that once they did, he needed to have a statement ready so they could try to keep the chaos to a minimum for Jensen's sake.

By the time they made it back upstairs, Jensen had dozed off with his neck at an odd angle and Steve was just staring off into space. Jared gently prodded Jensen, not wanting to startle him, but happy when Jensen didn't seem to have a problem waking. Chad had given Steve his coffee and a bag of food and taken a seat across from them to start in on his own choices. Jensen swung his legs around, sitting up with a groan.

"I can't decide what hates me the most my back, my neck or my bladder," Jensen complained.

"Well I'm not sure I can help you with that but the bathroom’s right across the hall," Chad answered, grinning.

"I'll think of a smart ass remark while I'm gone," Jensen promised, moving as quickly as possible with his expanded form.

"You know this whole pregnancy sucked my brains out excuse is going to run out soon, and you'll just have to concede I have the sharper wit," Chad taunted. "Might as well give it up now."

"The only thing sharp on you is your ass. How the hell can you sit on that bony thing," Jensen shot back as the door swished shut, leaving Chad with his mouth hanging open.

Steve almost choked on his coffee and Jared was forever grateful he hadn't started eating yet because Chad's face was priceless.

"My ass is not bony! I'll have you know it's nice and round and plump!"

"Stop, don't say anything else. I think I'm traumatized by the visual," Jared moaned.

Steve couldn't help the snicker that escaped. It was nice to have some comedic relief when it felt like you might shatter from the stress.

Chris made it to the hospital at eleven, exhaustion and worry weighing him down. Jensen didn't think he'd ever seen his friend look as bad as he did at the moment. They'd tried to get Chad to leave, but he'd refused. He'd told them all that he was there to make sure they stayed fed and hydrated, and he really wanted to know that Gabriel was going to be all right before he went home and even attempted to sleep. Chris was like a mother hen until he was positive Jensen was all right and then the second guessing started.

"Do you think we should revisit the need for security now," Chris asked quietly.

"Unfortunately, it looks like it's something we're going to have to do," Steve admitted.

"Why haven't you done it before now?" Jared asked and when he realized it sounded too much like an accusation quickly added. "I'm not saying this was anyone's fault but that sick fuck, but why did you decide against it?"

"It sounds like you've talked about it before," Jensen added.

"We have and Chris was all for it on a small scale, but I was afraid it'd scare people from coming to us," Steve explained.

"Why would you think it'd scare people away?" Jared asked even though he had some inkling as to the reasons.

"A lot of the people we deal with have been victimized in some way. Not all, but most," Steve began. "Not only by loved ones but many by authority figures, people they're supposed to be able to trust and rely on."

"Steve was worried that it would keep people from coming to us for help, and I agreed with him on that aspect. I thought it was an acceptable trade off for the security of everyone, but I still had some of the same concerns about it that Steve did, and we'd never had a problem before so I put it out of my head as a very small risk." Chris picked up as Steve paused.

"I should have listened to you."

Chris took Steve's hand in his and squeezed, "There's no way you would know that this was going to happen. Hell, nowadays you're not safe at school or the mall from crazy ass people. It's most certainly not your fault and I don't even want you thinking that way."

"I think you're the on that told me you can't dwell on the mistakes we make, but we take them and learn from them and do better the next time," Jensen cut in, leveling Steve with a steady look.

"Yeah and I think you were the one that said 'easier said than done' were you not?" Steve responded, exhaustion and defeat echoing in the reminder.

"True, but I've learned a lot since then, and while it's not easy, it's great advice."

Steve nodded but before he could say anything, else the door to the waiting room opened and a very weary looking doctor walked through with his cap in his hand.

"Are you the family of Mr. Tigerman?" The doctor asked.

"Yes," Steve and Chris answered in unison.

The doctor looked around at the assembled group. "All of you?"

"Chris and I are his next of kin. These are his friends, but you can speak in front of them."

"Okay then, let's take a seat, and I'll tell you where we're at." He gestured to the couches, taking a seat himself.

"Mr. Tigerman."

"Gabriel," Chris stated.

"Excuse me."

"His name is Gabriel. He'd pee himself if he heard you referring to him as Mr. Tigerman," Steve explained.

"Oh," the doctor looked amused. "Okay, well, Gabriel came in with two gunshot wounds, one to his chest and one to his side. It was touch and go for a while. We lost him a couple of times, he'd lost a lot of blood. We had to replace a substantial amount but both bullets managed to miss any vital organs. They did nick some arteries, which accounted for his blood loss, but once we found the bleeders, we were able to get the rest taken care of fairly quickly. I know it didn't seem like it from your end," the doctor conceded.

"But he's going to be all right?" Chad asked what everyone was too afraid to.

"He's young but he's a fighter. He's already shown us that, but he's not out of the woods yet. Between the massive blood loss and the trauma and shock to his body, he still has some healing to do. Barring any complications, he should make a full recovery."

"What kind of complications?" Steve asked.

"Infection is a major concern anytime a foreign object enters the body, and you have to remove it. Pneumonia is another. When a patient's immune system is weak and the body is under a lot of stress, it crops up even using preventive measures," The doctor explained.

"How long before we know?" Chris asked wearily.

"If we can get him past the next 72 hours then I think we have a good chance of skipping all the bad things," the doctor answered smiling.

"Can we see him?" Steve's hopeful voice made Jensen wince internally. He hated when his friends were hurting.

"I'll let you both see him for fifteen minutes. Then you'll need to get with the ICU staff and let them put you on a schedule. I'd suggest at least one of you go home and get some sleep so you can relive whoever is going to stay the rest of the night," he suggested.

"I thought you were supposed to tell us all to go home and get some rest." Chris stated, standing and stretching his cramped muscles.

"If I didn't know I'd be wasting my breath, I would. I've learned over the years that someone's always going to stay so I try to be realistic with my advice," the doctor replied, smiling when Steve gave him a sheepish shrug.

The doctor left to make arrangements for their visit while everyone else said their goodbyes.

"Guys, I may have an answer to your security problem. Let me and Chad make some calls, and when things settle down some, then we'll talk about it," Jared offered.

"That'd be great. I really appreciate you guys sticking around," Chris answered for them both.

"I'm going to get out of here. Jared, I'll call you tomorrow afternoon when I crawl out of bed," Chad said, waving his way out the door.

Jared pulled Jensen to his feet, steadying him as he swayed a little. "Let's get you home and in bed. You can check up on Gabe tomorrow after Sophia's looked you over to assure herself you're fine, and I'm taking care of you.

"She didn't threaten you again did she?" Jensen asked sleepily.

"If she did then I'm thankful you have someone else besides me keeping an eye out for you." Jared replied, pulling him towards the door.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Jensen mumbled through a yawn.

Jared led him through the hospital after a brief debate about using the wheelchair, one that Jared gave up on when he realized it was just going to take longer to get Jensen home if he continued to argue with him. Jensen did give in when Jared asked him to please wait in the lobby since he had no idea what they'd done with his car when he'd left it in the no parking zone. Thankfully, the guard who had been at the door had gotten them to just tow it to the nearest parking area instead of to a police impound lot.

The drive home had been fairly quiet, both of them lost in their own thoughts and trying to come to terms with the events of the day. Jared noticed a small smile appear on Jensen's face when they pulled up to the driveway and all the lights came on, welcoming them back. He pulled into the garage and slowly turned off first the engine and then the lights, trying to decide how to ask Jensen to stay in his room for at least the night. Jared didn't know if he'd be able to sleep without the physical proof that Jensen was okay and there with him.

Having come no closer to an answer, he pushed the door open, hearing Jensen's open on the other side and shut just a second after his. Jared unlocked the door and waited for Jensen to cross the threshold before doing the same and locking it for the night. He set the alarm and turned, expecting Jensen to be making his way towards the stairs, but when he headed that way himself he saw his husband waiting for him at the doorway.


"Would it be okay if I stayed in your room tonight?" Jensen asked self-consciously.

"You know you don't have to ask. You're always welcome to stay with me," He answered gently, taking Jensen's hand and moving up the stairs.

"I don't want to be alone."

Jensen knew Jared was probably waiting for the word ‘tonight’ to be tacked onto the end of the sentence, but in all honesty, he was just tired of being alone period.

Jared didn't say anything, leading the way into his bedroom and waiting for Jensen to sit on the edge of the bed. He bent down to untie Jensen's shoes, removing them before doing the same with his socks.



"I can do that myself you know." Jensen said softly.

"I know you can, but I would really like to do it for you if that's okay."


Jared reached up and helped Jensen tug the scrub shirt over his head, being careful of the bandage on his forehead. His eyes automatically dropped to where Jeff's ring had hung until this morning, not sure if he should say anything or not.

Jensen's eyes followed where Jared was looking, hand lifting to his neck where the necklace had been. "I took it off this morning, and I told Jeff that I would always love him, but I thought it was time to move forward." He paused, lifting his eyes to look at his husband. "All I could think about when that man burst into the center was I finally felt ready to tell you..... and I wasn't going to get the chance."

"What were you going to tell me Jensen?" Jared asked, wiping the tears away that had escaped Jensen's long lashes.

"That I love you. I don't know when it happened, and I'm not sure why you waited for me to catch up, but I'm really, really happy you did."

If it had been any other time Jared would be jumping for joy, and he probably would tomorrow but at the moment he was trying to form a response around the lump in his throat.

"I told you I'd wait for as long as it took, and if I had to wait another ten years, I would. You're worth it." Jared told the man in front of him, his heart turning over when Jensen gave him a radiant smile.

"Let's get you in the shower, so we can get to sleep before the sun comes up."

Jensen followed Jared into the bathroom, taking in the large space, but not paying much attention to specifics. He sat on the chair that was by the sink, watching Jared turn the water on, and taking huge fluffy towels out of the cabinet before testing the temperature of the water until he was satisfied that everything was ready. Jared pulled Jensen up and waited to make sure he was steady on his feat before releasing him.

"I'll wait right here in the chair, but I don't want to leave you in here alone in case you get dizzy."

Jensen just nodded, unbuckling his belt and flicking the button open, pulling the zipper down before pushing them over his rounded stomach and down his hips. All Jared could do was watch and pray he could keep his hands to himself. Jensen didn't seem to realize he was putting on a show, turning his back as he dropped his boxers and stepped into the shower, pulling the door closed behind him.

Jared wasn't sure if he should be relieved that he'd gone with smoky glass, or if he should beat his head against the wall for the choice. He could make out the outline of long lean muscle and the swell of their child as Jensen worked to get the smell of blood and antiseptic off his skin. He was lost in a haze of lust and love, debating the merits of a cold shower for himself when he realized Jensen had cleared his throat.

"What?" He asked assuming he'd missed something.

"Can you help me wash my hair?" Jensen asked, barely audible over the rain of water on tile. "I'm supposed to keep the stitches dry, and I'm not sure I can do that and keep from falling over."

Jared swallowed thickly, "Yeah, I can do that."

Jensen's back was to him when he opened the shower door, streams of water running over his shoulders, caressing the lines of his back and down over the tight round flesh of his ass. Jensen looked over his shoulder, quirking an eyebrow at Jared's state of overdress.

Jared looked down at his clothes and then back up at Jensen. "Um... you want me to take them off?"

"I think it'll work better that way," Jensen said grinning, turning back around to enjoy the multiple heads of the shower.

Jared kicked his way out of his shoes and toed his socks off, pulling his shirt over his head at the same time. He paused when unbuckling his belt but Jensen just picked up the shampoo and held it over his shoulder, waiting patiently. He was stepping into the shower before his pants and boxers had time to fully settle in a pile. Jared pulled the door shut, leaning down to place a kiss on Jensen's shoulder before taking the offered shampoo and setting it on the shelf beside him.

Jensen shifted to the side to give Jared room to grab the detachable showerhead. Jensen sighed as he was pulled gently backwards to rest against Jared's chest, who placed his hand in front of the bandage and angled the spray to only wet Jensen's hair. Jared nudged Jensen forward so he could soap up his hands, working the lather into the wet strands and massaging his scalp. Jensen's moan shot heat straight through Jared's body exploding through every point of contact he had with the man in front of him.

He'd been half hard since he'd watched Jensen strip but now he wasn't sure a cold shower would help him. Jared moved to side, trying to keep his need from disturbing the quiet moment they were surrounded by, but Jensen obviously had other ideas, reaching back and pulling Jared flush against his body, hands gripping the sides of his legs. Jared ran his hands up his husbands arms and then back down, coming around to pull him even closer, running the palms of his hands along the slick tight skin of his stomach.

"Are you sure?" Jared whispered in Jensen's ear.

Jensen wasn't sure if he was asking about the time or the place or even what, but it didn't really matter. The answer to all three was yes so he just nodded his head, rolling it to the side to lick away a trickle of water that was sliding down Jared's neck. He whimpered when Jared pulled away and the cool air hit his back from the open shower door, but was quickly warmed as Jared settled behind him again. Jared picked up the soap and lathered his hands, turning Jensen around kneeling down in front of him.

"Jared you don't...."

"I know, but I want to." Jared cut in, running his soapy hands along the strong calves and over bowed knees. He placed a kiss on the inside of both before moving up long muscled thighs. He kept his touch light, running fingers along the crease of hip and leg, tonguing the line in the wake of his touch. Jared could feel the tremors running through Jensen's body, delighting at the small gasps and sighs he elicited with his attention. He ran his fingers through the wet curls surrounding Jensen's cock, brushing his knuckles along the hot length, watching as his touch caused the hard flesh to jump and bob in front of him.

Jensen gripped the top of his shoulders to steady himself, shifting to keep his balance as Jared soaped his hands again, jerking forward when Jared took him into the hot confines of his mouth. Jared ran his hands along the sides of Jensen's stomach as he took his husband’s cock deeper, tongue running along the vein and dipping into the slit to collect the drops of come welling there. He moved one hand behind Jensen, pulling him forward, taking Jensen all the way to the back of his throat and swallowing. He let his fingers play along the taut globes of Jensen's ass and trailed a finger down the cleft, dipping inward with shallow pressure to the puckered hole hidden there.

Jared pulled off, looking up at Jensen who was looking down at him, pupils blown wide, flush flowing from his cheeks and down his chest. He didn't think he'd seen anything more gorgeous in his life and it was all his. He stood, leaning over to grab the soap but Jensen pulled him down into a kiss, tongue flicking out along the seam of Jared's lips until he opened and then delved deep to taste himself on Jared's tongue.

He moaned deep in his throat, pulling Jensen closer, taking what was given and pouring all his love and need in return. Jared broke the kiss, nipping at Jensen's bottom lip, catching it between his teeth and running his tongue along the captured flesh. Jensen pulled back, turning to face the tile and leaning back, waiting for Jared to adjust the showerhead so it wouldn't hit his stitches. Jared lathered his hands again, rubbing the soap across the wide expanse of shoulders and down the planes of Jensen's back, cataloging the freckles overlaid with thin white scars. He struggled not to lose the moment by letting his rage mount at someone hurting Jensen this way.

Jensen must have known what he was thinking because the words were soft but still audible.

"He doesn't belong here."

Jared bent and left a sloppy kiss on the joining between neck and shoulder, nodding into the wet strands of hair. He took Jensen's hand in his, bringing each to his lips, placing a kiss on the tips of each finger and replacing them gently against the warm tile, kissing his way over his husband's shoulders, lingering to suck a small red bruise into the freckles there before moving on to continue his exploration of Jensen's neck.

Jensen let his head loll forward as he heard the top to the bottle of lube that Jared had retrieved earlier snap open. He widened his stance to give Jared better access, anticipating the first touch, and thankfully, Jared didn't leave him waiting long. Jensen felt a long slick finger slide along the crease, sliding inward, ghosting across his hole, he tried to push back into the touch but was stopped by Jared's hand on his lower back. He bit his lip, trying to be patient, but he felt like he'd been waiting forever and since it was really his fault, he didn't think he could complain.

"I'm going to take care of you," Jared whispered in Jensen's ear, licking along the shell.

Jared lifted one of Jensen's legs, to place his foot on the bench that rang the length of the shower, helping to support Jensen's weight with his own, and slipping his hand down to roll Jensen's balls in the palm of his hand. The weight and heat made Jared's mouth water, the need to taste almost overpowering, but he knew Jensen could only take so much before even his need was sacrificed to exhaustion. He gently massaged the hot flesh one more time before moving his fingers behind them to the smooth flesh that led to where they would both find the release they needed.

Jensen whimpered as Jared ran slick fingers along the crease of his ass, sliding them deeper with each pass until he focused in on the puckered opening over and over. When he didn't think he could take any more, he felt the firm steady pressure of a finger pressing against the tight ring of muscle. He moaned when Jared finally breached him, trying not to push back when all he wanted was more. Jared must have been reading his mind again because one finger became two, followed by a third working in slow, deep strokes.

He groaned when Jared removed his fingers, but knew that he wouldn't have long to wait before Jared would take care of him. Jensen felt the blunt head of Jared's cock pressing against the stretched ring of muscle. He took a deep breath, relaxing as much as possible to make it easier for Jared, knowing that although Jared's fingers were big, they weren't anywhere near as wide as what he was sliding into him now.

Jared ran his hands over Jensen's back and over his stomach, pushing forward at a slow, steady pace, not wanting to hurt or overwhelm his husband. When he was fully sheathed in Jensen's tight heat he wrapped his arm around Jensen's chest to support his body, laying his head between Jensen's shoulder blades to wait for him to adjust to the intrusion. Jared held himself still until Jensen started pushing back, tiny moans breaking free as he worked himself against the slack Jared had left.

Jared acknowledged Jensen's permission to move by slowly sliding almost all the way out and pushing back in, keeping the thrust gentle and slow. It didn't take long for Jensen to make a disgruntled sound in his throat, pushing back quickly just as Jared went to slide forward. Surprised, he grabbed Jensen by the waist to hold him still. He got the message though and picked up the pace, changing angles until Jensen gasped and clenched around him, shuddering at the impact of Jared's cock slamming into his prostate.

He lost track of how many times he teetered on the edge only to clench his teeth and hold on just a little longer. Jared slid his hand over Jensen's nipples, rolling them between his fingers, and pinching them gently, knowing how sensitive they were right now. He continued down until he could palm the weight of Jensen's swollen stomach, caressing the tight skin before finally moving to the heavy weight of Jensen's cock bobbing neglected until Jared wrapped his hand around it.

Jared matched the strokes of his hands to the thrust of his cock, knowing that Jensen was close when he'd lost all words and only little broken sounds came in their place. He felt the tremors start seconds before the tight channel his cock was riding spasmed and locked down around him, sending him spiraling towards his own release. Jared felt the shock roll up his spine and his balls draw up before his come filled Jensen to overflowing, slowing his thrusts as he finished his own orgasm.

Jensen shuddered in the aftershock, wrapping his hand around Jared's to still his strokes as he became too sensitive to touch. Even the lukewarm water cascading down his back was making his skin jump and twitch under its caress. Jared let go, tangling his fingers with Jensen's as he carefully pulled out and helped him turn and lean against the wall. He could already feel the exhaustion creeping up on him and Jensen looked like he was losing the battle to keep his eyes open.

"Jensen, don't go to sleep."

"Hmm," Jensen mumbled.

Jared couldn't do anything but smile at Jensen sleepy sounds. He quickly washed them in the cooling water and shuffled his way out of the shower with Jensen in tow. Jared wrapped him in a large towel, leading him to the chair by the sink, and sitting him down. He made quick work of drying himself off before he took a clean bandage and changed out the damp one covering Jensen's stitches. It took a few minutes to get Jensen to stand long enough to dry him off and get him in the bed, but as soon as Jared slid in beside him, Jensen was backing his way into the middle until Jared turned on his side and wrapped his arm around him and their child.

The last thing Jared would remember was the sleepy sound of Jensen telling him he loved him before he fell into a peaceful night's sleep.

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mpreg, jensen/jared, an unexpected love

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