J2 - An Unexpected Love - Chapter 8B/16 - Mpreg

May 03, 2009 14:40

Title : An Unexpected Love   8B/16

Rating : R

Word Count : 12,496/80,495

Disclaimer : Really if they belonged to me do you think I'd have time to be posting.

Warnings : Talk of past abuse,  Mpreg

Author : angels3 aka Angela

Beta : munibunny

Art and Soundtrack : ldyghst

Additional Art : wincest_drarry

Characters : Jensen/Jared, Steve/Chris, there may be more pairings along the way I'm not sure at the moment.Mike, Tom, Chad, Sandy, Sophia and Joshua Jackson will all be in this fic. There may be others as I find myself needing more characters.

Summary : Grief stricken over the death of his brother, cynical movie maverick Jared Padalecki did the unthinkable - he sought comfort in the arms of his brother's fiancee. The morning after, they both realized their mistake and left for their separate lives. Only Jared can't forget Jensen's soft lips and beautiful eyes. Even as Jared was beginning to think he had to see him again, Jensen came to him.

Jensen was pregnant with his child. His - not his brother's. Jared knew he wanted Jensen more than he'd ever wanted any other woman or man.

First he had to marry him.

Then he had to make Jensen love him.

Author Notes : I am basing this story off a book I read fourteen years ago. I do actually have the book but I will not be using it to write this story. I will be going from my memory of what happened in it, there will be some things that run the way the book did and lots that will not as this is a J2 and mpreg on top of that. The only thing that will be word for word, and then not really, will be the summary since I couldn't do it justice any other way.

Based on the book Scandals by JoAnn Ross
Harlequin Temptation Sept.1994 #506

Chapters    1    2   3   4A   4B   5A    5B   5C  6A   6B  7A  7B   8A  8B   9A  9B  10  11A  11B   12A  12B  13A   13B   14   15A   15B   16
Art and Soundtrack

Additonal Art

So I'm assuming the teddy bear was a way in which to hurt you or would you consider it a threat?" Riley asked Jensen.

"I don't know, he's never made things easy to understand." Jensen shrugged.

"Okay." The detective made another notation in is pad. "What else has happened?"

"Before I moved to Jared's house, I had several hang ups [prank phone calls] and there were some where I could hear someone breathing, but no one ever said anything. I had an unlisted number and everyone who knows it is aware that I do not give it out to just anyone. They wouldn't give it to anyone without my permission."

"Unlisted numbers aren't as hard to get nowadays as they used to be, not with technology the way it is," Riley reassured. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, he managed to get an invitation to my showing a week ago," Jensen answered.

"What kind of showing? Did he do anything while he was there?"

"I'm an artist. I paint mostly landscapes and still lifes. One of the art galleries I'm associated with held a showing and silent auction for my work. As far as him doing anything to call attention to himself, no, he's not going to do that. He came over to speak with me during the reception," Jensen said, a shudder racking his body.

"Did he threaten you?"

"Not in words, no, but him being there was a threat, and he knows I'm well aware of it."

"Did you see Mr. Jackson, Jared?

"Yes, he was speaking to Jensen when I walked over, and he introduced himself."

"Were you aware that there were problems between your husband and Mr. Jackson?"

"Jensen told me after Mr. Jackson had already left," Jared answered. He could tell by the detective’s face, he didn't understand the nature of their relationship and was trying hard not to judge it at the same time he was trying to figure out where everything fit."

Jensen must have been thinking the same thing because he cleared his throat, pulling the detective’s attention back to his direction.

"Detective...., Riley," Jensen corrected himself before continuing. "Our marriage is a little unconventional. Jared and I have known each other since we were kids. My mother worked for his family, so we grew up together. Unfortunately, we grew apart when I moved to Paris to study art.

Events brought me back to the states, and I eventually reconnected with Jared's brother. Jeff and I started seeing each other a little over a year ago, until his death left a huge hole in both Jared's and my life. We didn't deal with it in the most responsible or mature manner, and I found myself pregnant with Jared's child. We decided that for us, the best option was marriage. Between my showing and Jared's scheduled projects, we're still getting to know each other better and figuring out how we fit together. I know that may seem strange and confusing to you and others, but it works for us."

Riley leaned back in his chair as he thought back over Jensen's revelations. He glanced over to where Chad was just finishing up the desk and was starting on the floor.

"Riley, Chad's my best friend as well as my assistant. He's pretty up to date on what's going on in my life, so you don't need to worry about whatever you'd like to say," Jared clarified.

Chad looked up to see everyone's attention on him. "That's just creepy," he said. "Don't you have better things to do than watch me work?"

Jensen laughed and Jared just rolled his eyes, but it helped break the tension. Riley returned his attention to the two men in front of him, watching the interaction that had been confounding him since the beginning. He could see the familiarity and the tentativeness in their touches now, that he hadn't been able to place before, and it helped him refocus on the case at hand instead of the signals he'd been trying to decipher.

"Did you report any of this?" Already having a strong suspicion what the answer would be.

"No," Jensen answered softly.

"May I ask why not?"

"It wouldn't have done any good. It was my word against his, and I've found in the past that he has plenty of people willing to lie for him," Jensen explained.

"Jensen there are ways to track his movements. I'm not sure how things were handled in the past, but you can rest assured if he's the one behind this then I'll find out. Do you still have the note or the teddy bear?"

"No, I burned them in the grill as soon as I realized what they were and who they were from."

"If this is a message from him, why do you think he's decided to deliver it now, and why here instead of where you live like last time?"

"He didn't know I had gotten married, I could tell he was infuriated by the news. I think it pushed him to act sooner than he'd planned, maybe, or he just needed to let me know how mad he was," Jensen answered, knowing that this was something Joshua would do if he felt he needed to get their attention.

"He probably left his message here because he can't gain access to our home," Jared suggested. "We live in a gated community and there's also a security system that's pretty extensive at our home."

"Okay, that makes sense," Riley sighed. "I'm going to take everything I have so far and get started."

He pulled a business card from his pocket. "If he contacts you, or you receive any more gifts, I want you to report it immediately, and then I want you to call me."

The detective stood and shook their hands promising to call once he'd gotten some answers to the most immediate questions he had.

Once they were alone, Jared helped Chad finish cleaning up while Jensen went to discard the bucket of glass. Jared glanced at his watch and realized it was after three, and they still hadn't eaten.

"Chad, can you finish up here and make sure the window gets secured until we can get it replaced? I need to get Jensen out of here and something to eat," Jared asked, feeling a little guilty for leaving Chad to deal with everything.

"Sure, I've got Jonah coming to help me board it up, and I've already contacted the builder and gotten the window measurements so all I need to do is call the glass place," Chad reassured.

"What did you have to promise Jonah to get him to help?" Jared asked, knowing that Chad's cousin never did anything without giving Chad a hard time just for the hell of it.

"There may have been some mention of an autographed shirt mentioned," Chad said, grinning.

"Do I even want to know who you're supposed to get the autograph from?"

"Nope," Chad answered, laughing when Jared rolled his eyes.

"Do you want us to stick around until he gets here?" Jared asked, not liking the thought of Chad here by himself after what had happened.

"Nah, he should be here any minute. He had to stop and pick up some wood, but that was awhile ago."

"All right call me if you need anything, I'm going to go get Jensen and get out of here," Jared announced.

"You're going to get me for what?" Jensen asked, walking back into the room with the vacuum.

"We're going to go grab something to eat. Chad's going to finish this up and his cousin is on his way to help him board up the window," Jared explained.

Jensen frowned. "Why don't we help him finish this first. There's no sense in him doing it himself," he reasoned.

Jared should have known it wasn't going to be that easy. Jensen had never been one to leave a task to someone else if he could help.

He didn't even try to fight it, he grabbed the trash can Chad had filled with broken glass and took it to the back while Jensen grabbed the hand vacuum from the supply closet.


Once they finished helping Chad, and Jonah had shown up, they left to get some food at a small restaurant not too far from Jared's office. It was quiet and gave them both a chance to regain some balance. Jared was happy to see Jensen eat, even if it wasn't as much as he thought he should. He knew all the worry over the vandalism and having to talk about Joshua had probably eliminated Jensen's appetite.

"Do you still feel like going to the center?" Jared asked, hoping to take Jensen's mind off the earlier events of the day.

"Yeah, I really want you to see the place, and it'll help occupy my mind instead of other things."

"Why don't you call Chris and make sure they're going to be there, and I'm going to check in with Chad, see if they had any problems boarding up the window."

Jensen nodded, pulling his phone out and placing the call while Jared paid for their meal and made his own.

"Are they at the center?" Jared asked as they made their way to his vehicle.

"Yes, Chris said they'd be there until early evening at least. What did Chad say?"

"He's on his way home right now. He said they got everything boarded up and the glass company is going to be there first thing in the morning. The alarm reset even without the window contact but they had to force arm it. Everything's cleaned up, though, so tomorrow won't be so bad."

"That's good," Jensen said softly, guilt tugging at him.

Jared looked over at the change in Jensen's voice. It didn't take a psychic to know what was going on.

"Jensen, we don't even know if it was Joshua, and even if it was, it's certainly not your fault," He said, reaching out and taking Jensen's hand in his.

"But it could be, and if it is, I'm the one who brought this into your life," Jensen stated sadly.

"No, he brought this into our lives. You didn't do anything wrong. Will you do me a favor?" Jensen asked.

"Yes. You know I will if I can."

"Will you stop worrying about it until we find out for sure?"

"Jared, if it's not Joshua, someone out there threw a cement block through your office window. If it's not about me, then it's aimed at you. How am I supposed to not worry about that?" Jensen asked, confused and a more than a little frustrated at Jared's lack of worry for his own well being.

Jared could see his point, and it wasn't like he didn't worry himself, but he wanted to keep as much stress off Jensen as possible.

"I know you're going to worry, but it's not good for you or the baby. So let me do most of it okay? I think we need to wait and see what Detective Lloyd's investigation digs up and try not to think about it until we know something more solid."

Jensen sighed. He knew Jared was right, but knowing it and controlling the fear eating away at him was something totally different.

"I'll try," Jensen offered as he watched the scenery fly by.

Twenty minutes later, they were driving down the tree-shrouded path to the center.

"They've got a lot of property," Jared mused, looking at all the land on either side of the drive.

"Yeah, when the land the center was built on was donated, the guys found out when they were doing the title changes that several acres surrounding the build site was for sale. They decided to use some of the donations they had available to buy what was on the market."

"Do you know what they're planning on using it for?"

"I think originally it was just so there would be some breathing room between the center and anything else. That way no one could build right up under them, especially with some of their more terrified clients.

Now, though, it leaves them somewhere to go if they expand, but I think Steve was talking about setting up some outdoor projects. There's already a huge play area for the kids, so I guess he has something in mind, but I'm not sure what it is exactly."

"Well, they have plenty of room. I'm sure they could do quite a bit," Jared mused.

"Yeah, they just have to raise some more money, for whatever they decide." Jensen smiled as they rounded the corner and the center came into view.

Jared was surprised at just how large the shelter was. He didn't know what he'd been expecting, but the huge house in front of him hadn't been it. There was nothing clinical, or even remotely institutional in the way some shelters were built. The exterior was done in gray with burgundy shutters on all the windows, and the landscaping was neat and pleasant to look at. There was a wrap around porch as far as Jared could see with rocking chairs interspersed along the length and gliding swings on the two ends that were visible from the front.

Before either of them could reach for the door, it swung open.

"Holy crap, you're taller than Tommy!" Mike exclaimed, looking Jared up and down.

"Hello to you too," Jensen said, laughing.

"Steve said you were coming, and since you've been keeping secrets from me of late, I decided to lay in wait," Mike answered with an evil cackle, bouncing up and down on his toes.

Jensen snorted, "I figured I'd see if it were possible to keep you in the dark and the world keeps revolving at the same time. Seems it won't end in fire and brimstone if you don't know everything."

"You're so mean to me!" Mike pouted.

"Oh, he can be a lot meaner than that I assure you," Jared cut in, offering Mike his hand and ignoring Jensen's scowl.

"I'm Jared, by the way, Jensen's husband."

Mike shook his hand and quirked an eyebrow. "Obviously you've been keeping lots of secrets!"

"And it won't kill you not to know them all," a voice said from the hallway.

"It might," Mike whined, turning to slip his arm around Tom's waist when he was close enough.

Tom introduced himself, shaking Jared's hand and pulling Mike out of the way so everyone could get into the house.

"It's nice to meet you." Tom smiled, shutting the door behind them. "You'll have to excuse my boyfriend, he sometimes forgets not everyone knows how to deal with his unique personality."

Mike looked up at Tom, a frown forming on his face. "I think that was an insult." He looked at Jensen, seeking confirmation. "Jensen didn't that sound like an insult?" Mike complained.

Jensen didn't get the chance to agree or disagree. Tom pulled Mike closer, dropping a kiss on the top of his head. "It wasn't an insult baby, you know I love you just the way you are."

Mike eyed him suspiciously for a minute, finally breaking into a huge grin. "This is why I can never stay mad at him," he said cheerfully.

"Why don't you go let the guys know they're here," Tom suggested.

"Okay," Mike agreed brightly. "I'll see you before you leave right? I want to show you something." Mike told Jensen as he bounced up and down some more.

"Yeah, I want you to show Jared around your wing before we leave," Jensen requested.

"Awesome! Let me go tell Chris you're here." Mike leaned up, giving Tom a quick kiss, before he spun around and disappeared up the stairs.

"Is he always so...." Jared searched for a word to describe the whirlwind that was Mike.

"Energetic?" Tom queried, still smiling.

"Yeah," Jared agreed, thankful that Tom realized he was at a loss.

"Yep, although he's been bouncing around more than usual. The closer we get to the grand opening, the more energy he seems to find. I'd swear he's found some way to plug into a nuclear energy plant if I wasn't with him almost 24/7. The rest of us feel like we're dragging ass," Tom answered, grinning, leading the way down the hall and towards the kitchen. "Do you want to wait for Chris and Steve or would you like me to show you around down here first?"

"Go ahead and show us the downstairs while we're waiting," Jensen decided. "It may take a while for the guys to get to us."

"Okay, but you'd better be on your best behavior. Someone messed up the last delivery of supplies and Ellen is bent out of shape," Tom whispered, pushing through the swinging door.

"I'm most certainly NOT bent out of shape!" Ellen informed him. "I'm just not going to put up with some idiot telling me he didn't make a mistake when our order clearly stated we needed twenty five flats of each vegetable on the list, not fifty flats of four different kinds. Do you really want to eat lima beans for the next forever?" She asked, clearly exasperated.

"No," Tom answered meekly. "I don't like beans of any kind."

"Well since we have company, I won't even start on what I think about that," she huffed.

Tom grinned, and Ellen just rolled her eyes. "So I guess you've already figured out I'm the cook," she stated, turning to Jensen and Jared.

"Yes, ma'am," Jared answered

"Jensen I know, but you, I've not had the pleasure of meeting," Ellen said. "My name's Ellen," she stated with a no nonsense handshake.

"Jared, Jensen's husband."

"Oh really," Ellen said, looking at Jensen and raising an eyebrow.

Jensen blushed at the question in her eyes. "It's not like I've had an abundant amount of time to hang out and talk," Jensen defended himself.

Ellen just kept staring at him. Jensen was beginning to realize why Chris refused to go in the kitchen without some form of shield.

"Fine, I could have said something," Jensen relented. "I told Chris and Steve. I figured they'd spread the word, but obviously they wanted me to get into trouble," he pouted.

Tom and Jared snickered behind his back.

"I'll forgive you this time, only because I've already gotten to holler at someone today," she said with a grin.

Jensen knew when he was offered gold and gave her a quick hug. "Then make sure you're around before I leave because I'd hate to get into anymore trouble."

"Ahh, you have something else to tell me do you?" Ellen asked, grabbing a potholder and pulling a huge dish out of one of the ovens.

"Oh great," Tom moaned. "I'll get to hear Mike whine for at least another twelve hours about secrets and how they’re bad, unless he knows them, or is the one keeping them."

"Sorry," Jensen offered, even though he didn't think it'd matter what was going on, Mike just liked to be.... well Mike.

Ellen proceeded to show Jared around the kitchen and the supply room, with Jensen trailing in their wake. Jared was impressed with not only the organization, but the fact that there was already a rotating menu that boasted a three week rotation so the meals wouldn't be boring. They'd just finished touring the dining hall as well as the offices and classrooms on the main floor when Steve made an appearance.

"Hey guys. How's it been going?" Steve asked.

"Pretty good," Jared answered. "I hear you're just about ready for the big day."

"I swear, we've really got things together, but every time I think I can sit down for a few minutes or say for sure that this particular thing is complete, something pops up that needs looking after," Steve said with a tired sigh.

"When's the last time you and Chris actually got a full night's rest?" Jensen asked.

Steve snorted, "Um about five years ago," he smiled at Jared's confusion.

"We worked at a small shelter before this. That's where me and Chris met actually. Anyway, we always got calls in the night, someone to do an intake on or just a problem in general. Then, we've been working for this over four years now, from the dream, to the planning, to the building. So it's been a long time. Why?"

"You look like you're about to drop," Jensen informed him, frowning.

"Things will slow down after the opening, and we'll get some rest," Steve lied.

"Will it?" Jared asked. It seemed entirely plausible that they'd be even busier.

"No," Steve answered, smiling, "But we wouldn't have it any other way. We'll get some rest though, I promise," he directed the last part to Jensen who was still frowning.

"I suggest you do that, you're not going to be worth much laying in a hospital bed because you dropped from exhaustion," Jensen fussed.

"Yes, mommy," Steve laughed at Jensen's growl of annoyance. "How about I show you around the other floors? Chris can join us when he gets finished and Mike can show you his surprise," he said, leading them through one of the halls and up a set of stairs.

Steve took them through all the wings except the family one, leaving it for Mike, since he didn't want to ruin the other man's surprise. He showed Jared the rooms set up for emergency and health care, finally ending back up at the office he and Chris shared. Chris was just setting the phone down when they walked in, a sigh of exasperation escaping him.

"I swear, sometimes I wonder how anyone gets anything done with all the red tape," he bitched.

"Did you sweet talk them into seeing things your way?" Steve asked, dropping down beside him.

"This time, but I wonder if me being nice is worth it. Sometimes, I just want to reach through the phone and choke that jerk," Chris declared.

Jensen and Jared had taken a seat on the couch that sat at the side of the room, listening as Chris grumbled. Jensen was actually glad to be able just to sit back and listen, it helped take his mind off the events of earlier and he felt himself relaxing. Jared was pressed against his side and his husband’s warmth seeped into him, helping to ease the remaining stress that lingered.

Chris had been watching Jensen, since he walked in the room. He could tell something was wrong from the tension in his eyes. Jared also looked a little less than relaxed, but as they sat together on the couch, he could see and feel them both relaxing. He was going to find out what had happened, but he'd wait a little while now that Jensen had started to unwind some.

"So did Steve give you the tour?"

"Yeah, I've seen everything but the family room, and Jensen's class area," Jared responded.

"Ahhhh. Well, take some time to rest and then I'll see what we can do about finding Mike, so he can show you his wing." Chris grinned.

"This place is huge but it's great," Jared complimented. "It looks like you've covered just about every base," he offered.

"Well not every base, but we're hoping to have that done in the next year." Chris sighed, thinking about Tom.

"Jensen told me about the other section you need to do." Jared leaned over, tucking Jensen a little closer when he noticed that his husband’s eyes had slipped shut for the fourth time, and they didn't seem to have any intention of reopening until he'd taken a nap.

"Is he asleep?" Steve asked, standing and grabbing a blanket out of a cabinet.

"He missed his nap today. The doctor had mentioned he'd feel a lot better the visit before last if he'd take a nap during the day. Once his show was over, he's been getting one regularly, but we weren't at home much today so he missed it. I guess his body is telling him it's time to slow down for a little while." Jared leaned down and placed a kiss on Jensen's forehead, before taking the blanket from Steve and putting it over Jensen's body.

"Does the reason you weren't at home today have anything to do with all the stress the two of you seem to be radiating?" Chris asked, watching Jared's reaction closely.

Jared shifted around, getting comfortable and making sure Jensen wouldn't get a crick in his neck before he answered.

"Yeah. I got a call from my Chad, you met him at the showing. He told me the alarm at my office had gone off. When he'd gotten there, he had to wait for the police, but they found someone had thrown a cement block through the window in my office."

"Do you know who did it?" Steve asked, concerned.

"I'm not sure, but Jensen thinks it has something to do with his ex-husband," Jared answered, wondering if the two men knew about Jensen's earlier life, or if he was divulging a secret he shouldn't be.

"Joshua?" Chris growled.

"So you know about him?" Jared asked, relieved he hadn't broken a confidence.

"Yes, we know about him," Steve replied worriedly. "We didn't know he was even aware of what was going on with Jensen, much less expected this."

"Why does Jensen think it has something to do with Joshua?" Chris spat out, hatred clear on his face.

"There was a note painted on the block. Jensen thinks it's a reference to him," Jared explained.

"What did it say?" Steve asked, placing his hand on Chris' arm.

"I'm coming for what's mine," Jared recited grimly.

"You don't think it has anything to do with one of your movie scripts?" Steve kept his hand on Chris as he waited.

"We've had a couple of people that claimed their scripts were stolen, threatened to sue, but nothing like this. We verify every script we decide to produce just for that reason. I don't even take the word of the backers. I told the detective and Jensen both that there's still a chance it's a nut job, but he's dead set on worrying it's about him." Jared sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Unfortunately, there's a good chance there is," Steve stated softly. "Has he told you anything about Joshua?"

"Only that things didn't end well. He told me how they met and who he was, but he's still holding back the details I know are pretty bad. If you know, don't tell me unless it'll help me keep him safe, I'd rather he told me himself when he's ready," Jared explained.

"All right, but I'll tell you this, he's a sadistic bastard. He doesn't need to be anywhere near Jensen," Chris said through gritted teeth.

"It's already too late for that," Jared said.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, his voice so calm and cold it gave Jared goose bumps.

"He approached Jensen on the street, sent him a gift, and he was at the showing," Jared informed the two stunned men.

"How the hell did he get into the showing? It was invitation only!" Chris exclaimed.

"I'm not sure, but didn't you notice him lurking around?"

"We've never actually seen him. When we met Jensen, he was having a hard time, and we focused solely on him. The times he had to deal with Joshua, Jeff always went with him, and it was out of state," Steve explained. "I know damn well we'll be looking him up after Jensen leaves though. I know he's rich, so there's bound to be a picture of him somewhere."

"Why in the hell didn't he tell us he was having problems with him again?" Chris asked no one in particular.

"My guess is, he knew you were busy and didn't want to bother you, plus Jensen has never wanted anyone fighting his battles. That way, no one can get hurt on his behalf," Jared surmised.

"How the hell would you know that?" Chris said, eyeing Jared.

"Because when Thomas Cruxfield wouldn't leave him alone at school, it was the year he turned sixteen I think, neither Jeff nor I found out about it until Jensen came home with a three day suspension and a black eye." Jared frowned at the memory.

"Why did he get suspended if he was the one with a black eye?" Steve asked.

"Fighting, something I didn't even know he could or would do at the time. He wouldn't tell his mom why, and I'm still trying to figure out how the guy got away with it since he and Jeff were pretty much joined at the hip. We found out later the kid had been harassing him for almost five months because Jensen wouldn't go out with him. Jensen finally told Jeff later that the guy had threatened to bring some buddies and have a little fun at my brother’s expense. It was one thing to do something to Jensen, but he wasn't going to have anyone he cared about hurt, especially because of him," Jared told them, moving slightly to shift Jensen to a more comfortable looking slump.

"What happened to the jack ass?" Chris asked.

"Well, once he hobbled his way back to school," Jared snickered.

"Hobbled," Steve repeated, interrupting.

"Yeah, Jensen had done a number on his leg and gotten some good rib shots in." Jared grinned, remembering. "I made sure to acquaint him with what happened when he messed with someone in our family. Needless to say, he didn't mess with Jensen or Jeff. Matter of fact, he transferred schools not long after that," Jared answered, pleased with himself.

"I was wondering why he decided that a school on the other side of the county was a better option," Jensen mused hoarsely.

Chris snorted as Jared jerked a little in shock. They had noticed Jensen starting to wake up, but Jared had been so into his story, he'd missed that the last time he'd settled Jensen, it had woken him up.

"I can't believe you're telling them about my misspent youth," Jensen said around a yawn.

"Well, that's what happens when you put people you know from different times periods together. We get to tell all your sordid stories, and if you're really lucky, they can break out some really embarrassing pictures for the show and tell." Jared smiled at the grumpy look Jensen shot him.

"Better be glad you don't have any available because I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind handing over the prerequisite naked pictures she used to show all your dates," Jensen reminded with an evil grin on his face.

"Hey, that's not fair! I don't have your naked baby pictures," Jared complained.

"That's right, and you'll never, ever find them either." Jensen winked at Chris and Steve.

"Fine, I'll just have to see about getting some new ones then." Jared smirked at the blush that spread across Jensen's face.

"You're so easy," Jared laughed.

"Shut up! You're not even funny," Jensen moaned, covering his face with his hands.

Mike came bouncing into the room before Chris or Steve could say anything to Jensen about Joshua.

"Are you ready to see my surprise?" Mike asked.

"Sure, just let me show Jared the place I'm going to be helping out, and then we'll stop in on the way back down okay?"

"Cool! Can I go with you? I haven't seen the last few things you brought over," Mike asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's not anything big though," Jensen warned. "Just some more paints and brushes," he said, leading the way up the steps to the next floor.

Jared was amazed at the way Jensen had everything set up. He was even more shocked to learn that it'd all been done at the same time he'd been trying to get ready for his show. It was no wonder he was worn out, and the doctor had fussed. The canvases were all clean and white, the paints in brand new unsqueezed tubes, even the easels were unblemished. There were stools sitting in front of every easel and they each had a small table to the side for the palettes and cleaning cups.

"Jensen this is wonderful. Did you do all this?" Jared asked as Mike looked at all the different colors set up along the wall in wooden trays.

"It's not that much." Jensen ducked his head, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed by the attention.

"Bull shit it's not!" Chris said from the doorway. "I thought you said you were going to get these from the second hand store," he said, running his hand over the closest easel.

He hadn't had time to check out everything that Jensen had been bringing into the shelter, not with running all over the place picking up donations and then dealing with the million and one other disasters that seemed to crop up that he and Steve taking care of.

"Well, when I went to check on the ones they had, it wasn't that much cheaper than getting new ones. I order all my stuff in bulk anyway so I just added some things to my last few orders, and I get a discount anyway because I order so much...." Jensen trailed off, shrugging. "I just thought it would be nice if they got to start off with a clean slate, metaphorically speaking.

"I'm sure everyone that comes in here will appreciate it," Steve said. He'd been a little more aware of what was coming in. He just hadn't thought too much about the condition until he saw everything set up.

"Yeah well, I can do it, and you were there for me when I needed it, so I thought I could do the same," Jensen mumbled, blushing again.

Jared had been watching and listening to the conversation, picking up little details that he didn't think Jensen even realized he was giving away. He hoped that Jensen would tell him everything that had happened in the near future, not just because it would mean he'd earned Jensen's trust, but because he felt like, he was missing a very important part of Jensen's life, and he wanted to know everything there was to know about Jensen Ross Ackles-Padalecki.

When they left the classroom, they followed Mike down the stairs and into the family wing. The last time Jensen had been in there, they were still trying to get the beds together. Mike showed them how the tracks in the floor served to move the cubicle type walls so that the area could expand for larger families or contract for small ones. There were single beds set up in each cubicle with a set of bunk beds against the moveable wall. Along the very back of the wing, there were several cribs set up and ready to use.

"All the furniture had wheels with brakes on them. That way, everything is easy to move and shift around how we need it to go," Mike explained, showing them how the bunk beds rolled out if they didn't need them and a crib could take its place.

"Who came up with the moving walls?" Jared asked.

"That would be Justin. He can't decide if he wants to be an architect or an inventor," Mike answered.

"No reason he couldn't do both," Jared said, impressed.

"You came up with the wheels didn't you?" Jensen asked Mike.

"Yep, but Justin helped me figure out how to attach this extra piece to everything so it would have a brake as well as be sturdy," Mike leaned down to show them how the wheel pulled up so the weight of the bed wouldn't be on the wheel.

"Well, I think you're both pretty damn clever," Jensen praised and Jared agreed.

Mike finished showing them the rest of the wing, talking excitedly the whole time.

When they were about to walk out the door, Chris pulled Jared to the side while Steve and Jensen went to look at the porch swings.

"Keep us in the loop as to what's going on okay? I'm telling you, Joshua is a whack job, so if you need help you call us," Chris insisted."I'll let you know what's happening," Jared assured. "I'll try to get Jensen to tell you himself if I can. I don't like going behind his back, unless I absolutely have to."

Chris sighed, "I don't either, but sometimes Jensen is a danger to himself by trying to protect everyone else."

"I'll keep him safe," Jared promised, refusing to believe for one minute that he couldn't.

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mpreg, jensen/jared, an unexpected love

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