too hungry for my subject.

Jun 26, 2009 18:22

You know, one of the things that surprised me most about Japan was how it was like, 10 degrees cooler (or colder, depending) just by being cloudy. During tsuyuu, even, if it was overcast, it was pretty chilly, then once the sun came out it heated up like a very very moist oven. DC, and to an extent, WV aren't like that. this morning it was already in the 80's, and so overcast my apartment was cloudy.

Going out to dinner at a church-(hopefully soon to be)-friend's house tonight. A couple of the other people going are being kind enough to pick me up. This sort of thing, living on the edges of the urban/suburban make me think about my choice not to drive here, or even really consider driving. I don't want to do it, and honestly, it would be a very expensive venture for me to undertake atm (rent for parking, money for gas, the car itself, insurance). Sometimes having the car as an option would be convenient, but really, I'd rather put it into my savings.

And then tomorrow, i'm very much looking forward to an okonomiyaki party at stillesprite's place. I wonder how many people will be there. Sunday has been reserved for getting ready to fly on wednesday, ie packing, figuring out my flight info and how i plan to get to the airport when, and cleaning up the apartment/fridge so i don't come back to a lot of rotting food.

I am so hungry i can hardly think straight. maybe i should have a snack.

weather, socializing ftw, america

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