sleeping in the stripes of darks and lights between the blinds

Jun 25, 2009 23:10

was quite productive at work today, which is a happy joining together of having things to do and me actually doing them.

had this dream where i went to a chinese restaurant to meet some people (or so i thought), only to realize that i hadn't actually been invited--but luckily ran into krisztina at a table there, and they had space for another and she was like JOIN US :D so it was not totally horrifying. i spent a good long time in the dream trying to figure out if they were charging us double for our food, but then on the way home (bc i think the metro station opened to outer space, and we were outside the dirt-side airlock because they were having some sort of mechanical difficulties. idek guys), ran into part of the group i'd not been invited to eat with, who hadn't known i was there/in town/what have you, including an (the?) old high school crush.
he was rather more of a jerk grown up in my dream than he was irl in high school, but we did a better job of flirting. as in, my alarm prevented me from taking him home. lol it was kind of like my sleeping brain was giving me a crash course on 'how to flirt with someone who is not a total stranger'

brought watermelon as my fruit. so good! i love watermelon. but i'd not bothered to cut it up any, so it was just this giant triangular hunk from when i'd separated it from tego's half of the melon. i spent over 10 minutes trying not to eat it too obscenely (if you don't know what i mean, you probably don't want to ask)...when i found a plastic spoon. i could have saved all that time wishing my cube had a door i could shut, that was maybe soundproof.

caught a drink with rocksizedheart and anne last night before i had to run. good times as always, and the mirroring was interesting. today i met tego at the 38b stop and went to mei n yu for a happy hour special. their mango martini thing is very good. tego won the raffle for the cookie basket, but we'd already left (and gotten over to her place after a stop at mine), so she had them draw someone else.

i like how i ordered myself 3 medium pizzas. pizza featured in some part of every meal i had today.

food, 疲れてるけど, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, nerdly ftw!, food=幸せ, baito, no one cares no really, dream, socializing ftw

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