update on social butterflying

Jun 26, 2009 22:44

so those people were totally not the couple I thought they were. They were still nice. Actually, I'd spent longer speaking with the lady (Michelle*, whose name i am writing down so i remember it better) than I'd spent speaking with the lady I thought it was (whose name i apparently don't know), and liked her quite a bit, so it turned out to be very good. But tooootally not the right name and face combination.
The people picking me up also, i had no idea who they were from their names. I did recognize them very well once they pulled up, though. And their car gives a wonderful, smooth, quiet ride.

The dinner party was very nice, and a lot of fun. It was not incredibly awkward, though I am incredibly tired. I suppose if I keep doing it I will get more social. Or just be exhausted all the time lol. The food was absolutely amazing i cannot even tell you. Michelle and Aaron have two small children, so there were appetizers (toasted slices of french bread with basil, chunky tomato sauce, and shredded cheese on top, and toasted again) while they put the kids to bed. Then it was dinner.

Overall, it was a good time, and nice to get to know people I go to church with every week. I knew I should go (despite having been out past at least 9, mostly later) every night this week, because otherwise I'll never really meet anyone at church, and feel progressively more awkward the longer I go, and run away right after services so I won't have to stand awkwardly trying to figure out whom to talk to. And it was fun! I am glad I went! though, ok, i ran away at 10:30 when Maggie and Paul decided they were going, even though Yolanda offered me a later ride home. I don't know, I kind of just want to shower and sleep now haha. or maybe spend some time with my baby, the internet.
i rather feel i need a 'social!fail' tag or something.

Dinner was this absolutely amazing steak Aaron had grilled out back. It had been rubbed with cumin and ....i don't remember, chili maybe? It as so good. I really need to just buy cumin, because i love it a lot. There was also a grilled mixed veggie dish that was various kinds of sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms, and zucchini. Fresh, home-made guacamole. A salad made primarily of black beans and quinoa that had some jalapenos, tomatoes, corn, etc in. Green onion corn bread. Karen brought a pasta salad that was also quite tasty. Oh, and there was mint iced tea. Maggie (half the pair that picked me up. Husband's name is Paul. not that you care) made a blueberry cake (layer of blueberries on the bottom, white cake on top, and topped with whipped cream mixed with lemon and powdered sugar.) that was fab, which we had with decaf (because by then it was like, 9:30 pm). I'm not a whipped cream kind of person, but the lemon made it less sickeningly sweet, and the powdered sugar made the texture less gag-inducing.

I think i may now be an honorary Georgian.

*random: actually, anime_heart, she reminds me rather of you

food, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, nikki no baka, food=幸せ, my god is an awesome god, food しよう, no one cares no really, socializing ftw, teh internets = my sanity

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