fic year in review :D

Jan 05, 2009 03:55

Since i've been writing (err. sporadically) for over a year now, i figured i'd do this. not anything not posted at hizashikage, like 1 hour challenges: 46356 words in 2008. and i didn't do it before, so i'm just going to lump the other fic from the end of 2007 in too, but smaller. 61832 total. (err. i make no claims about my ability to add). It's such a small word count XDD and yet so much for me.

May 2007:
Standing. 937 words of Stand Up!! alt future pron.

Yesterday. 818 words not in any fandom.

Sept 2007:
Nothing Clever to Say (or, 5 times Ryo and Shige talk and 1 time they don't) 1,029 of ryoshige for the shigethon.

Steering Clear of Trouble (or, 5 times Shige avoids Ryo and 1 2 times he doesn't) 820 words of ryoshige for the shigethon.

Stumbling Blocks (or, 5 times Yamapi falls for Shige) 1,242 words of shigepi for the shigethon.

Oct 2007?
Doppelganger, or 5 times Shige got mistaken for Tegoshi. 1065 words of Shige's life being hard for the shigethon.

Retail Therapy, (or, 5 times TegoMassu took Shige shopping + 1 time in which he didn't want to kill himself) 1,262 words of Shige's life being hard for the shigethon.

All the Kings Horses (or, 5 times Shige broke through his shell and seduced NewS) 1,050 words of Shige/NEWS for the shigethon.

Nov 2007:
Jin Gets Himself Some NEWS 1,060 words of Ryo/Jin/Shige and my first ever JE NC-17. This, as you may know, quickly became a habit.

Dec 2007:
The Things That Matter 663 words of Tatta Hitotsu no Koi fic.

R&R 1,325 words of PIN porn

Jan 2008:
Bruises. 1,545 words of ryopi. Technically written in 2007, because it was for jehols, but it was posted on the 6th with reveals.

Karaoke Challenge of Death 881 words of pin being silly.

Feb 2008:
Space 1817 words of depressing shigepi.

Valentine's Chocolate 1,479 of Tegoshi/Koki for a V-Day challenge.

Mar 2008:
rarepair anonymeme drabbles a lot of het (and some kimujin).

May 2008:
Clean Start1,524 words of Jin/Abiru Yuu/Yamapi sexing.

June 2008:
Bungaku 944 words of Kame/Yamapi/Jin porn.

A Little Fun 2,176 words of genderswitch femmeslash pin porn.

Seven Minutes 895 words of koyamapi against a door.

Jul 2008:
Make Your Mark 1,903 words of Horikita Maki/Miyavi-as-a-girl. written as payment.

Statuesque 1003 words of kame/jin/pi/ryo sex

The Clothes That Make the Man 2,092 words of pin porn written together with shatteredinu

Traces Left Behind 2,129 words of angsty koki/kame/jin written for marlenem for jthreesome

Aug 2008: (including most of the ficrequest meme fic)
Cradle-robber 760 words of Nakamaru/Horikita Maki (yes, het).

Revenge So Sweet 1,598 words of Koki/Kame porn picking up from this fic written by sanctified_x

636 words of shigepi

yajima/hayato 830 words of drama crossover fic dub con.

Going Home 768 words of Nobuta OT3.

Spirit of Competition 853 words of tegojin.

Sept 2008:
Go with the Flow 905 words of life being hard for pin.

Oct 2008:
once ye pop, ye cannae stop: omg(s)topme 2237 words of tomapi porn written with ky_rin.

Dec 2008:
Pretension 2,188 words of Jin/Ryo/Yamapi/Shirota Yuu porn.

untitled giftfic for yamapea 884 words

Smile for the Camera 1,177 words of exhibitionist tegojin.

Silent Like the Wings of Dawn 4212 of massufic written for je_ficgames :D

Infinity's End 1206 words of depressing tomapi with a happy twist at the end, written for je_holiday.

mini!drabble collections. There's just really too much of a mix of sizes and shapes to bother:
set 1
set 3
set 4
set 5
set 6
set 7 (incidentally, one of my favs is here)
set 8
set 9 (this is wishlist fic too)
set 10
set 11
set 12

there be no plot here, nikki no baka, nerdly ftw!, porn is my new new hobby, ficcage, pairings i never thought i'd write, meme, threesomes are love

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