Standing, Stand Up!! R

Oct 05, 2007 02:06

Title: Standing
Rating: R
Pairing: Udayan and Kou-kun
Word count: 937
Setting: This takes place during episode 4. Kenken, Udayan, and Kou-kun are in the love hotel (Tanabata) while Shou-chan is stuck at the beach with the whole town. They're waiting for Sonoko, Kenken's girlfriend, to show up with a couple of friends, but the girls eventually bail.
A/N: ….I really have nothing to say for myself.
I recommend watching the episode, and then reading this as a kind of alternate ending.
Proofread by the ever-patient aliza. well..ok, when it comes to copy-editing.

I proudly shared the words of wisdom Kume-kun had given me with the others. He was my rival in soccer but far my superior in matters of love. And, except for Udayan when he was going on about the Virginity Preservation Club, we were all racing to lose our virginity together. It would be unfair of me to withhold such golden information from my friends. Kenken wasn't really paying attention because he was too busy watching his phone, but he had a girlfriend already. For him, it was just a matter of time. The rest of us had to work harder. Udayan, for his part, listened avidly and tried to practice the proper hand-motions on one of Tanabata's pillows. Thankfully, talk of preservation of virginity seemed to be over for the day.

Frustrated, Udayan looked up from his pillow-ministrations. "Let's practice," he said.

I blinked at him, surprised. How could we practice without any girls? But the look in his eyes didn't change, and when he got up I realized he wasn't kidding.

"Your…your…your eyes! They're serious!" I couldn't help blurting, and then he landed on me. Bastard's a lot heavier than he looks! He shifted a little to get comfortable and then started twitching his fingers like an epileptic tarantula down my back. Absolutely not sexy. I'd never know how girls got off on this shit.

I jerked every time his spasming fingers hit my spine. It tickled. Maybe he wasn't doing it right. I finally managed to pin one hand to the chair with my back and caught his other wrist to prevent him from starting with that one.

"You suck," I told him. No point in pulling punches if it meant mutant spiders were going to attack me again.

"I do not!" His eyes were hot and angry, the denial flying automatically from his lips, and I could feel a fight brewing. I didn't want to provoke anything, but I couldn't just do nothing. He sat glaring down at me, and time seemed to stretch out, longer and thinner, ready to snap.

I kissed him first. Mostly it was to stop his protests and the hand still doing its best to dance through my back, but a little bit of it was to wipe away the frown tugging at Udayan's mouth and the hurt in his eyes. His lips were soft-maybe he'd been sneaking Kenken's lip balm when no one was looking-and when I bit his lower lip experimentally he shifted his hips and moaned into my mouth. The sound was hotter than I thought-because until then I hadn’t thought about it-so I did it again.

The reaction was louder than before and did funny things to the pit of my stomach; funny things that happened during erotic video clip contests or while listening in on other rooms in the love hotel. Hot curling things that may have happened before with the guys around, but never directed at one of them. Udayan squirmed closer to me, and his tongue snaked out from between swollen lips to lick at my mouth before pressing its way inside. It was strange and hot and slippery and wet, and when he ran the tip of his tongue along the ridge at the roof my mouth, my hips jerked up at the same time his ground down.

It felt good, better than good, better than my hand in my room at night, so I sucked at his lip to retaliate and settled my hands on his waist. The next time his hips met mine I could feel his erection clearly through his loud-print pants at the same time I noticed my own, and even while I thought that it ought to all feel weirder he threw his head back, stretching his neck to gasp, and all I could think was this was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

Sometime during the kiss Kenken had wandered into the hallway talking on the phone. Sometime during the kiss Udayan's hands had stopped trying to imitate spiders with seizures and I had forgotten to keep them pinned to the chair and they had moved up to hold onto my shoulders. Then he moved one up to my hair and used it to tug my mouth back to his. He rolled his hips down at the same time and I didn’t know where he learned that, but it was hard and sexy and rubbing in exactly the right way, starting fast and getting frantic as my hips pressed up to meet his.

He kept making these incredible noises back in his throat that I couldn't really hear but could feel vibrating in his chest where it was pressed against me, and they went straight to my cock. He never stopped pulling my hair (which was somehow also incredibly hot), so I ground upwards harder and tried to suck his tongue deeper into my mouth, trying to feel more, but he pulled away and reached up to sink his teeth into my earlobe and I came in my pants with a cry that surprised me; and abruptly his hands tightened in my hair and his back arched, pressing his hips down hard one last time; and for weeks after I had wet dreams about the look on his face-eyes dark and nearly all the way shut, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple from his hairline.

After, when I started breathing again, he leaned in and kissed me, all gentle lips and almost no tongue. That was the day we both graduated, the race ending in a tie.

Some more notes:
♥ It’s a present for katrinastrife, promised to her and started almost a year ago in exchange for boy!smexing of my own (that is, if I wrote one, she’d have to write one too). I kind of thought I’d never finish it, but caffeine is apparently good for some things, if not sleeping.
♥ I made nihongofrancais read through it and beat it up. But in the end I was too lazy to actually change anything. ;P
♥ it did lead to me asking some guy-friends some very embarrassing questions, though.
♥ I seem to have trouble breaking out of the first person.

fandom: drama!fic, fandom: stand up!!, anamuan, rating: r

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