just recs atm.

Jan 04, 2009 23:28


this is adorable and lovely

why so hot? i don't even really like these two.

pornity porn porn yay :D

roundaboutit writes me the (kame/)koki/jin i've always wanted, and then some. unfortunately flocked, but. definitely worth it if you know her.
she's also written THIS AWESOME OF AWESOMES (in two parts).

the jianjian has left me temporarily, my tummy hurts, and i am probably going to die on the way to DC for my interview on Wednesday (btw, coming to DC tuesday or wednesday, and probably staying till thursday), or will just be [very very late and fail] because of the weather. annie is going back to school tom, but she got me icecream. which doesn't help hurting tummies.

food, pimpin', hoobaloo!!, america, annie, weather, please let me live through this week, the jianjian

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