drabbles batch #7 - JE - NC-17/PG-13

Dec 30, 2008 04:12

stage | blowjob | omake

word count: 554
a/n: don't even ask. blame shatteredinu

Jin loved performing. It was a rush like nothing else. And it got him harder than anything else. That usually led to a lot of rushed, backstage sex, illicit blowjobs behind costume racks, and frotting up against pieces of set in the wings.

The problem with this concert set was the timing. There wasn't time for any of that, not at the same time as someone else, not till the second half of the show, and Jin had been hard since the third set. By the time his solo came around, he was practically cross-eyed with need.

The music swelled over the speakers, and as the spotlights came up on him, Jin trailed his hands up his body, hands catching in his hair, mussing it. The first beat rolled out over the waiting audience, and Jin moved his hips in that slow, smooth circle he was so famous for. The next beat sounded, and the next, and the one after that, and as they did, Jin sank down to the stage, knees splaying out, then pulling back in. His hands crawled up the inside of his legs, teased across his pelvic bone (he gasped into the mic, and it was like it was scripted), and back up his chest to his hair. When he pulled on his own hair, he gasped again, but this one was lost in the cries of the fans in the audience.

Jin tipped forward onto his hands and knees and crawled towards the edge of the stage. He rolled his body down in waves, spreading his legs as he went until he was rocking against the stage. He hissed with the contact, hands spread against the stage in pleasure. He listened to the cries of the audience and it hit him that he was really going to get off on stage in front of 15,000 people, and the knowledge made him close his eyes and throw his head back and move his hips faster.

The material of his pants slid against the stage and the friction wasn't good enough, but the girls below him shrieked when his voice broke into a little moan, and that was plenty good enough for him. He wanted more than anything to reach his hand down past the elastic waist of his pants and pull himself off, right there on stage under all the bright lights but he knew there were limits with what he could get away with and that was definitely past them. He ground down harder, faster, cloth slip-sliding across the stage leaving him hard and wanting.

The music reached a crescendo and the audience screamed louder and louder to be heard over it and Jin rolled his hips faster and harder, chasing release to the sound of the cries of thousands of girls. It was almost enough, almost enough, and it was driving him crazy. His rhythm was breaking and that wasn't acceptable, and then he caught the edge of the material tied around his waist. Finally something solid to push against, instead of slick, smooth stage, and that edge was all he needed as he came with a cry. The girls all screamed in response, glow-lights bouncing along.

Next concert tour, he was getting Koki to give him a blowjob on stage again. That idea worked so much better.

word count: 722

Jin dropped down to his knees and winced. He had bruises from last time. It was his own fault, but he couldn't help it. He needed to feel Pi's cock pushing into his mouth, the weight of it, the taste of it heavy on his tongue. Jin wanted Pi to fuck his mouth. He wanted it hard and fast and just this side of painful.

Pi knew it too, knew it from the way Jin hollowed his cheeks around him, the way he pressed his tongue against the underside of his cock, the way he relaxed his throat, trying to pull him further inside. Pi knew it too, and so he held back deliberately. He wanted to make Jin beg for it. He wanted to feel Jin's lips tight around him while his throat relaxed to take him all the way in. He wanted Jin's eyes clouded by desperation and frustration and pure, pure need as he looked up at him. He wanted Jin whimpering around him as Jin pulled himself off.

Sometimes when Pi got like that, Jin responded in kind. He'd tease Pi to the point of torture, light touches and the flick of his tongue until Pi growled and gave him what he wanted and pushed hard and quick into his mouth. Jin didn't have the patience for that tonight. He couldn't bear the thought of having to wait, to work Pi over until he snapped, so he reached around Pi, grabbed his ass and tried to force him closer. He couldn't help the whine rising in his throat.

The touch, or the vibration--or the sight of Jin on his knees, lips still tight around him--were wearing on Pi. Jin could tell by the way Pi's hands tightened in his hair, the way the muscles of his thighs went taut, trying not to push forward into that tight wet heat. Jin strained closer, enjoying the way Pi's grip on his hair pulled when he moved, moaning around the cock in his mouth.

Jin's moans changed to whimpers when Jin got as far as Pi's grip on his hair would let him. He needed Pi to move, to let him move, to feel Pi deep in his throat. This wasn't enough, and it was making him crazy. Jin pulled back to suck on just the head, still moaning, tongue swirling over the tip in erratic patterns, and he could feel Pi cracking. Pi's thighs were trembling, trying to keep from moving; and when Jin squeezed, Pi's hips bucked forward oh so slightly, unconsciously, against his will, and Jin knew he'd won.

When Jin pushed back down again, Pi thrust forward to meet him, hard and fast and rough, just like he'd wanted it. His mouth was too full, and Pi was moving too fast for any delicate technique, and his throat burned from when he didn't relax it fast enough, and it was perfect. Just perfectly exactly what Jin needed, he wanted to breathe Pi instead of air, so he sucked harder, creating a stronger suction with his mouth, trying to pull Pi in.

Pi arched his hips and Jin danced his fingers lower, skirting across Pi's balls because he knew it would set Pi off faster than anything. Pi snapped his hips up harder, and even though Jin was expecting it, it still caught him by surprise. It hit him in the back of the throat and it hurt so good and he'd be hoarse tomorrow, but God, it was worth it, worth the look on Pi's face as he came. Jin kept sucking all through Pi's orgasm, pulling back slowly until he just had the head in his mouth, until he caught the last pulse on his tongue instead of down his throat.

The taste sent another coil of lust through his stomach and Jin realized how hard he was, something he'd forgotten in his need to have Pi on his tongue, for Pi to come in his mouth. He didn't bother with the fly, he just pressed a hand to the outside of his pants and rocked his hips into the touch. He was so close it only took a moment, barely any contact at all and he was done, coming embarrassingly in his pants with the taste of Pi still heavy on his tongue.

Jin crawled over the arm of the couch to get to where Yamapi was sprawled over the whole thing. Yamapi oomphed and twisted and grunted in displeasure as Jin's weight settled over him. Jin pressed teasing kisses to Pi's lips, his jaw, his neck-

"Not right now, Jin," Yamapi grumbled against his mouth.

Jin pouted a minute before moving further down Pi's body to rub him through his pants.

"No, really," Yamapi shoved at Jin's shoulder. "Get off. I just ate. I'm going to explode."

Jin slid off Yamapi and the couch to sulk on the floor. Needless to say, Yamapi didn't get any all week.

rating: nc-17, pairing: pin, pairing: jin, fandom: je!fic, rating: pg-13, anamuan

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