assorted JE drabbles from nihongofrancais

Dec 30, 2008 10:30

word count: 230 words
rating: G
pairing: Yamashita Tomohisa/Aragaki Yui
author's notes: written for tinyangl's prompt of NEWS's "Smile Maker".

It felt like years before YamaPi was finally able to process Yui's words. Her voice had been soft, soft enough that he thought maybe his ears were playing tricks on him; a part of him wish they really were. But he knew better than that, knew Yui better than that. She had no reason to lie to him, to make up foolish stories just to hold on to him. Her words, they affected her just as much as they affected him. Her even more so.

Why was his first reaction panic? Why did it well within him, nearly making him nauseous? YamaPi dug into his pocket for his pack of cigarettes and then stopped short, thinking better of it.

He looked back up to Yui. Up into her bright eyes, wide with fear and uncertainty, waiting on bated breath for him to say something, anything in response. She needed him. Her eyes practically pleaded.

After a long moment, he gently reached out and tugged on her hand, pulling her forward so that she eventually was standing between his legs, looking straight down into his face. "It'll be okay," he whispered with a soft smile. His thumb smoothed against the back of her hand, never breaking eye contact with her. "I'll be here. Everything will be alright."

Yui bit shyly on he lower lip as she slowly smiled as well, reassured.

word count: 174 words
rating: G
pairing: Koyama Keiichiro/Yamashita Tomohisa/Masuda Takahisa
author's notes: written for cynicalism's prompt, "love is all you need."

"Stop eating the cookie dough off the sheets!" Koyama scolded with a frown.

"Bu ids sho ummy!" Massu pouted, working to swallow his mouthful of cookie dough.

Koyama rolled his eyes and then smacked YamaPi's hand just as he reached across the counter to make a grab for another one of the unbaked heart-shaped cookies. "If you eat it like this, it will go to your boobs and stay there forever," he threatened menacingly (well, as menacingly as Koyama in a pink frilly apron with spots of flour on his face could get).

"It will?" YamaPi's eyes widened, horrified.

"No it won't," Massu assured, snagging another piece of cookie dough off the sheet and nibbling on it. "It's made of love after all."

Koyama arched his brow. "What does that have to do with it?"

Massu smiled. "If love is all we need, then how can anything made of love ever be bad?"

Koyama opened his mouth, but found he could say nothing. YamaPi and Massu took advantage and stuffed away more cookie dough.

word count: 205 words
rating: PG-13
pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya/Nishikido Ryo
author's notes: written for anamuan's prompt, "Two things control men's nature, instinct and experience." - Blaise Pascal

Kame has experience. Beautiful blossoms of bruised skin patterned across his hips. Cuts just on the inside of his lips, bites along his collarbone where he leaves his mark. Burns on the top of his knees. Soreness, exhaustion, pain.

But when it comes to Ryo, he is driven by instinct. The need, the hunger. It's so ridiculously opposed to everything Kame claims to be, the face he shows to the world. Kame is in control, Kame isn't wild, Kame thinks everything through.

That is what makes being with Ryo so worth it - the ability to unravel, to be raw, to be real. It's what Kame craves.

Ryo throws him against the kitchen table, the bottle of red wine viciously falling to the table, rolling off and shattering into a vivid mess on the hardwood floor. Ryo hardly blinks an eye, Kame could care less.

Kame pulls on Ryo's golden cross necklace, nearly choking the other as he jerks him down for kiss, open-mouthed, tongues savagely battling, saliva dribbling down his chin. His legs tangle around Ryo's waist and his hands claw at Ryo's back. He isn't close enough, he can never be close enough.

Kame is never actually stressed. Because this is his detox.

word count: 144 words
rating: PG-13
pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Yamashita Tomohisa/Akanishi Jin
author's notes: written for swtjemz's prompt, "Patience, grasshopper."

"Patience, grasshopper."

YamaPi narrowed his eyes at Jin. "Shut up and just do it already."

"...way to go, Jin. You just totally made mine harder."

Jin smirked. "That was the point. Now you try, Ryo-chan!"

"I wouldn't push if I were you," YamaPi offered. "I'd pull it out. It'll last longer."

"You just want me to make it easier for you," Ryo scoffed. "No way. I'm pushing!"

"Don't be stubborn, Ryo. Just pull it-"

Even with Ryo's gentle pushing, it couldn't hold up any longer and came... tumbling down.

"I told you!" YamaPi almost jumped out of his seat.

Ryo rolled his eyes. "Whatever. It's just a game, Pi."

"No, it's Jenga," Jin chimed in for YamaPi. "It is a game of strategy and skill and-"

"You two just like it because it's got you pushing and pulling fat blocks out of holes."


word count: 220 words
rating: PG
pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya/Koyama Keiichiro (Yamashita Tomohisa/Koyama Keiichiro)
author's notes: written for silver_rose88's prompt, "Too long, too late, who was I to make you wait?" - Nickleback, "Far Away"

"YamaPi!" Kame called out. "Do you have a second?"

YamaPi backtracked and stopped next to Kame. "Actually, I'm in kind of a rush, but if it's short, I have a second I guess."

The tips of YamaPi's hair were still damp from the shower and he smelled of freshly-applied aftershave. "You have a date?" Kame teased with a smirk.

YamaPi shifted awkwardly. "Actually, I kind of do."

"...oh." Kame didn't expect to have been right. "Well, then never mind. I can talk to you about it tomorrow."

"You sure?"

Kame smiled and gave a strong nod. "Sure. Have fun!"


Kame watched as YamaPi jogged out the jimusho's sliding doors only to meet up with Koyama, who happened to be waiting outside. YamaPi and Koyama spoke for a moment and YamaPi gestured toward the lobby where Kame was, which caused Koyama to look over, catching Kame's gaze through the glass walls.

To Kame, that mere second of eye contact was almost an eternity. It held all the hopes and possibilities of a dream deferred, a confession ignored. And now, only when Kame realized that maybe he was wrong, that there had been something there between Koyama and him that really could have been something more, it was already too late.

Kame didn't blame Koyama. He really could only blame himself.

ginzarhapsody, rating: pg, rating: g, fandom: je!fic, rating: pg-13

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