so it's 6:40 am

Dec 24, 2008 06:40

i'm still up because mom slipped on some black ice taking out the garbage (we didn't even know it had been raining until she fell), but absolutely refused to go to the hospital to let someone take a look at it and insisted it wasn't serious, just a huge bruise (but also had me google internal bleeding), so i'm sitting up. but we think she'll be ok. *hopes, prays* i'll wake up jianjian soonish to take over and go crash myself.

and goodness do i need it. (korekara wa the entry i'd typed up before the fall:) i went to sleep at 8(am) yesterday, was woken up around 11, 11:30 to go along to pick jianjian up from the airport, and then we went straight to the mall for very last minute christmas shopping (because we celebrate with extended family today). ended up having dinner there at 7 in the food court. fell asleep on the way back, but mom made one last stop at best buy to get renee something. Then, from like. 9 (when we got home, and took the groceries/presents in) till maybe 11 we cleaned like mad. since the whole day, dad had moved one box into the basement. the boxes he was supposed to move in exchange for us to do all the christmas shopping for his grandkids :\\\ i mean, ok, they're my nieces and nephew, but still. he doesn't do anything.
then! we decorated the tree. it is red and white themed and v pretty. we recorded this, as per tradition. there's a funny moment where mom was creepin' and jianjian is taken by surprise by her presence. And then the video ends with a floating mochi icecream which is kind of hilariously awesome

sanctified_x: papa included? giving him all the dust you've swept is not a present.
:\\\ after tonight, it might be.

sorry but your comment of 10766 characters exceeds the maximum character length of 4300. *SPARKLES AT YOU* OK GUYS GO READ MY JEHOLS FIC. READ IT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

while i'm reccing jehols, here's a list of recs. i've not been through nearly all of them, so i'll have more again later, but. for now, go read these. after you read the one for me, of course.
1. (for yamapea)
2. (for grunhilda)
3. (for acchikocchi)
4. (for resolute_reader)
5. (for devetir)
6. (for ky_rin)
7. (for purebloodqueen)
8. (for prevaricatory)

honorable mentions: for recs i'm being awfully hard on these. THEY'RE ALL DECENTLY GOOD. i am just idk bitchy. obviously, i liked them enough to rec!
- (good beginning, thought it felt a bit like the writer really felt their deadline towards the end)
- (for sadnlonleyme) idk i feel like i enjoyed it more than i should have, but this was decent fun.
- strangely unbrilliant.
- we can has k8 fic? this one almost made the straight-out recs.

Annie is controlling...

sillyandmorbid: Annie's meatsicle is dying

and finally, tagged by ununoriginal:
1. name 5 things you wanna do before you die, or something like that.
- travel
- fall in love
- (probably) get married/not get a divorce/maybe have kids?
- learn how to use the (defunct) stock market
- frame the photos i bought and hang them up all pretty in my very own place of residence.

2. how do you style your hair?
- i sometimes deign to brush it when i wake up.

3. what is making you happy right now?
- sleeping in sillyandmorbid's bed before she gets back bwahaha!

4. what are you currently reading?
- lots of jehols fic, this meme, the flist, christmas cards, and in terms of books, re-reading something or other by mercedes lackey.

5. do you need music to study/write?
- almost all the time.

6. what was the last book you read?
- i just finished Tatterhood & other feminist fairy tales♥

7. what was your first car?
- i have not a car.

8. do you have a crush at the moment?
- maybe~ maybe not~ *does arm motions*

9. what is your favorite movie genre?
- i am a sucker for the romantic comedy i like a lot of things.

10. what was the last thing you ate today?
- dinner.

11. what's your morning routine?
- get up, (check email,) stumble to bathroom where i brush my teeth and wash my face, stumble back to bedroom, put on daytime
clothes, go eat breakfast.

12. what websites do you visit daily?
- yahoo mail, gmail, and livejournal.

13. what classes do you think you'll take next year?

14. which languages do you wish you spoke?
- all of themChinese-Cantonese.

15. what do you want for Christmas?
- a job, as described in saturnianlove's poll.

16. what are you daydreaming about right now?
- nothing in particular

17. who was your childhood idol?
- didn't have one.

18. where would you like your next holiday to be?
- holiday, as in 'fly me away' holiday, or holiday as in 'time off' holiday as in Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year? I wouldn't mind hitting parts or Europe, wherever--bed is great, and home for the holidays!

19. what are you looking forward to?
- sillyandmorbid comeing home! even though she will kick me out of the comfy bed.

20. tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
- how she can flail in one post, and then turn around and post about something serious and moving in the next.


food, pimpin', america, mini!(r-.-)r, i've been crying for hours, annie, quotes without context, mi familia, weather, meme, the jianjian, posts of oblique references

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