Gift fic for acchikocchi

Dec 15, 2008 22:15

To: acchikocchi
From: razberrycreme


Title: Rough Boys
Pairing/Group: Ryu/Hayato, Gokusen II
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sap, angst, sex.
Notes: Thanks to my beta. ♥♥♥
Summary: Ryu and Hayato after they graduate; assumed they graduated in 2005.


"Do you like it?"

Hayato looks around the room skeptically, his hands in his pockets and stance relaxed; inside he thinks he's going to die of a nervous sweat and he isn't sure if he's ever seen such a humongous place for people to live in - especially for just the two of them. He wants to demand oi, are you sure you want to live here? With me? But then he’d have to admit to being afraid of breaking something shiny and new and he’s not going to admit something like that.

He glances over at Ryu, who isn't even looking at the place, just watching him.

"Dunno. You like it?" Hayato asks.

Ryu exhales and gives him a flat, impatient look. "Hayato."

Hayato shrugs and hunches his shoulders up automatically, turning away to peer out the windows.

"It's gonna be hard to get all our stuff up here."

Ryu rolls his eyes and stalks over to the real estate agent who's been hovering to the side for awhile now.

"We'll take it," Ryu says briskly, and takes the paperwork the agent hands him. Hayato feels his heart pound in his throat and he spins around, coming up behind Ryu to cautiously peer at the papers over his shoulder.

"Whoa." Hayato's chin hooks onto Ryu's shoulder to get a better look at the sheaf, and Ryu snorts as Hayato turns his head to look at Ryu and continues, "You know you're going to fill all this out yourself, right?"

He walks away for a moment to survey the rooms again, opening doors and peering inside- "Whoa, the closet is huge! Do we have that much stuff?"

"Take and the others will help us move in," Ryu calls back and hands some papers over to the agent, nodding politely.

They both like it.


"Ne, Ryu." Hayato raises himself up on his elbows, palms cupping his chin as he looks down at Ryu's sleepy body. "Ryu. Ryu!"

Ryu opens his eyes, eyebrow raised and mouth quirked in vague irritation. Hayato steals a feather from a hole in one of their pillows and pokes it at Ryu's nostrils to further wake him up. Ryu wrinkles his nose and closes his eyes again, hitting in the general direction of Hayato’s shoulder as he tries to fall back to sleep.

Hayato makes a face, lets go of the feather and crawls forward on top of Ryu's body; Hayato only admits it when Ryu makes him, but he loves waking up early and catching Ryu when he's sleepy and grumpily indulgent.

"Oi." Hayato shakes Ryu's shoulder and peers down at Ryu's irritated face. "Yo. Listen to me."

Ryu grunts and opens his eyes to find Hayato's face looming over him, long hair askew and eyes wide. Ryu absently runs his hands down Hayato's bare legs and flicks his gaze down, then back up in question.

Now that Hayato has Ryu's attention, he clears his throat and leans back a little, looking over to the side; Ryu obligingly averts his gaze until Hayato is ready to talk.

"I've been thinking..." Hayato starts, sliding off of Ryu to recline on his side, talking to a spot somewhere in front of Ryu's face. "Well..." Hayato stretches his arms in front of him and darts a glance over at Ryu, who watches him silently. "Should I go back to school?"

Ryu hides his surprise. "You?"

"Yeah." Hayato props his head up on his elbow. "Maybe to become a teacher."

"I see," Ryu replies, watching Hayato fidget and pick at a loose thread on their blanket. Hayato is nervous that Ryu'll make fun of him, that everyone will make fun of him when they find out that Yabuki Hayato, 3D class leader in mischief, wants to go back to school; but Ryu can easily imagine Hayato as a teacher with his strange ways of rallying kids together and he knows that instead, everyone would be proud.

"I'll have to make you lunch everyday, huh," he sighs, reaching out to slide his fingers through Hayato's hair.

Hayato snorts, slanting Ryu a sly, incredulous look that takes his breath away.

"The great Odagiri Ryu making me love bentos," Hayato breathes, moving forward into Ryu's body. "It's almost worth the tuition..."

Ryu raises an eyebrow as Hayato straddles his waist again. "Then shouldn't you let me go to work?" He asks, even though he's already gazing down the smooth expanse of skin in front of him, only marred here and there by little scars from high school brawls they both barely remember. He brushes his thumb across a small, pale sliver on Hayato's stomach and watches Hayato squirm away from his touch.

"No, no, you should celebrate my acceptance with me," Hayato says quickly between darting forward for kisses and grinding back against Ryu's growing erection. Ryu frowns mid-kiss and holds Hayato away with a hand on his chest.

"You already applied?"

Hayato looks guilty for a split second before his expression clears into defiance. "During my work breaks," he replies, even though he can't look Ryu in the eye and his mouth is set unhappily. Ryu punches him.

"Ow! Why you-"

"I'm not going to congratulate you," Ryu mutters, ducking his head and feeling a smile spread across his face; he's never felt more proud in his life.

"I didn't expect you to," Hayato grumbles back, squirming again as he shifts to find a more comfortable position. "You're so bony-" Ryu moves his hips up impatiently, biting down a groan as Hayato's back slides teasingly against him.

"I'm going to be late," Ryu says absently, eyes fixed on Hayato's mouth as he sucks on his own fingers, his mouth opening briefly and allowing Ryu to glimpse Hayato’s tongue swirling around his fingertips. Ryu will never understand this side of Hayato, who's usually embarrassed even when Ryu looks at him a certain way, usually ending up in Hayato dropping things and glancing away or laughing, demanding, “what are you lookin’ at?” This Hayato though, raises himself up off Ryu and prepares himself, letting Ryu watch him fuck against his own fingers, his face tight with both discomfort and pleasure, biting the inside of his lip and releasing it slowly from between his teeth.

“You’re your own boss,” Hayato says, raising his eyebrow and slowly moving up Ryu’s body. Ryu slides his palms down Hayato’s legs and feels the muscles shiver under his touch. “Don’t try to fuck with me, Odagiri,” he adds, grinning as he reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out a condom.

“Clever,” Ryu deadpans, hissing as Hayato glides the cool material over his cock. “No wonder you got into university.” Ryu reaches up and slides a hand to cradle Hayato’s neck, pushing him forward so that their foreheads lean together. Ryu means every word, and if Hayato would let him he’d say more, something casual and nonchalant like you’re going to be the best teacher, even better than Yankumi. But then Hayato smiles a little, uncertain and curious, and instead out slips “I love you.” Hayato laughs in surprise and lights up, flushing and nudging his forehead against Ryu’s temple.

Ryu runs his hands down Hayato’s back to the curve of his ass and undulates his hips, once, feeling Hayato’s eyelashes brush against his neck as Hayato’s eyes close in pleasure.

“Yankumi will be excited.”

Hayato’s eyes fly open and he gapes, pulling away and pushing Ryu’s shoulder hard. “What the fuck,” he sputters, “what the- why would you bring her up when we’re- oh god, I’m traumatized - you, just shut the hell up,” he complains loudly as Ryu just snickers.

Hayato used to get flustered and confused when Ryu said anything remotely affectionate out of the blue, used to look puzzled and out of balance when they’d be talking about videogames one moment and Ryu would say something nonchalantly sentimental the next. And it was weird, because Ryu has always kept tight control over what he thought and what he actually articulated, but when he’s around Hayato it’s hard to keep things straight. Hayato had tried to laugh it off sometimes, his smile forced as underneath he looked worried and annoyed until Ryu finally said one day, “I wasn’t joking,” and Hayato had punched him.

Ryu kissed him.

Hayato had stared at him afterwards, breathing hard, the back of his hand pressed tightly to his mouth as Ryu moved away. “You-“

“I told you I wasn’t joking, didn’t I? Pay attention.” Ryu flicked Hayato’s forehead and slapped Hayato’s hand out of the way so that he could press into Hayato again, so familiar and strange and more electrifying than any fight he’d ever been in.

From then on Hayato just looks pleased and embarrassed when Ryu says it, and he’s always caught by surprise.

“Can’t you think of a normal time to say it?” Hayato demanded once while they were in the supermarket and Hayato piled in Ryu’s favorite foods to celebrate his promotion, both of them walking over to the checkout when Ryu had stuck his hands in his pockets and casually said “yeah, you know I love you, right?”

Ryu had shot him a strange look and used a finger to hold his pants pocket open wide enough for Hayato to grab their wallet. “What’s a normal time?”

“I dunno,” Hayato said, awkwardly swiping the credit card and grabbing their bags. “Like- I don’t know.” He glanced sidelong at Ryu and scratches the back of his head irritably. “Actually, I kind like-”

“I know. You’re cooking, right,” Ryu said, cutting Hayato off, swinging the door open for the both of them and stepping out into the night air.

“You’re such a demanding boyfriend,” Hayato complained, and then froze, looking mortified when Ryu’s gaze snapped over to his. “I mean-“

“Like you’re not,” Ryu interrupted again, stretching and ignoring Hayato’s annoyed “stop doing that!”

Hayato sighed and reluctantly followed Ryu back home, muttering, “I remember when I used to think you were quiet. I MISS THOSE DAYS,” he shouted over Ryu’s snort, kicking at Ryu’s ankle and scowling at Ryu’s laugh when the people around them on the streets turned and stared.

The first time Hayato says it, Ryu is having a horrendous day. His father is being a fucking tyrant and Ryu’s team members are slacking off and Ryu flickers a glare at Hayato every time the latter tries to say something to him. When Hayato crouches by Ryu’s chair and looks up at him, says “I love you, even when you’re being a bastard,” Ryu feels like he’s won something amazing, like the feeling he used to get when he’d just knocked out five guys on his own and Hayato’s covering his back, both of them bruised and exhilarated with a good fight. He feels like that only times a million.

Ryu still feels like that, every single time.


Ryu manages to organize everyone from 3D in one place long enough to get them to Hayato’s graduation ceremony at the college; everyone files in noisily in a huge throng, shouting good job, Hayato! and Yabuki, you sly bastard, I knew you had it in you! while the parents and student families around them look nervous and shift their collapsible metal seats away. It doesn’t matter, not when the leader of 3D is getting his diploma, and everyone grins brightly at each other and waves excitedly at Hayato, who only glances over in their direction, tipping his chin up once in recognition.

“Whoo, Hayato thinks he’s too good for us already,” Tsuchiya whispers, fanning himself rapidly. Take and Hyuuga laugh, but their faces are bright and proud as they watch Hayato queue up with the rest of the seniors.

Just as he’s about to get onstage, the door behind them opens loudly and everyone rustles as they turn to catch someone peeping inside.

“Er…sorry...” A familiar figure bows apologetically and jogs over lightly to where 3D is sitting.

“Late,” Ryu mutters when she takes the seat next to him. Yankumi immediately bows her head, contrite, before turning to watch the ceremony.

When Hayato finally gets up there and shakes hands with the college administration, Ryu wordlessly hands out tissues from his pockets as the others subtly cough and sniffle. Yankumi all out weeps and hogs the pile of tissues to herself. Hayato turns to the audience right before he leaves the stage, bright grin and wiggling peace sign just for 3D and their teacher. Tsuchiya honks into a tissue while Yankumi whoops loudly with the rest of 3D and Ryu is grinning and clapping so hard he feels numb with pride.

“Okay,” Hayato says when they’re all outside, 3D in a huge cluster around their leader, a steady stream of students moving past them. He purses his mouth, “them,” Hayato waves his hand towards their classmates, “I can understand inviting. But her?” Hayato stares pointedly at Yankumi, who only blinks and bustles a little indignantly.

“Huh,” Ryu says, shrugging and glancing away, “she must’ve found out somehow.”

“You liar!” Hayato bumps Ryu with his shoulder and they grin at each other.

"Ah, Yabuki-kun, I always knew you'd become a good teacher," Yankumi breaks in, twisting away from Ryu and Hayato's skeptical glares and ignoring Hayato's "When did you say that? When did she ever say that?" and looks into the sunset, adjusting her glasses and setting her hands on her hips in satisfaction. "If you ever need tips, don't hesitate to come to me, okay?" She nods in content.

"Face the person you're talking to," Ryu mutters, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Yankumi spins back around and nods once, head bowed. "Yes."

Hayato shifts his stance and looks straight at Yankumi. "You think I can do it?"

"Of course! After learning under my tender guidance-" She swivels about bashfully on her toes, twirls one of her ponytails and blinks. "How could you not succeed?"

Ryu and Hayato watch Yankumi wordlessly for a moment.

"Didn't you teach him how to fight by beating him up?"

Yankumi stops swiveling. "...Yes."

The rest of 3D laughs and it’s like being in high school all over again, only even better, and Ryu wouldn’t give up this moment of having Hayato and their friends and their idiotic teacher back together for the world.


”Hey,” Hayato looks up from grading assignments in bed when Ryu walks into their room, undoing his cuffs and shrugging his jacket off.

“I’m back,” Ryu says, shrugging off his coat and throwing it over the couch, his slippers making soft noises against the floor as he makes his way over to Hayato.

“Welcome home,” Hayato replies, raising an eyebrow as Ryu opens their closet and pulls out a sleek suitcase.

Ryu sits down next to Hayato, dipping the mattress underneath his weight and stares at the gaping, empty case. "Business trip."

Hayato nods wordlessly and shuffles some papers off the bed and onto the nightstand, taking off his glasses and putting them away in their case. When he turns back, Ryu looks tired.

"Just say it," Ryu says abruptly, getting up and hanging his clothes in the closet. Hayato watches him, catches the tense lines of Ryu's shoulders and arms as he moves and knows what Ryu's thinking.

"C'mere." Ryu doesn't move towards the bed and Hayato tsks irritably. "C'mere."

Ryu turns and glares. Hayato scoots off the bed and walks over to Ryu, pulling on Ryu's arm forcefully and ignoring Ryu's angry protests, "Damn it, let go. Hayato-"

Hayato thumps back onto the bed, Ryu collapsing on top of him. Hayato pushes himself back farther on the bed, legs wrapped tightly around Ryu's waist to stop him from struggling and moving away. Ryu punches Hayato's shoulder hard before giving up, reluctantly relaxing, and Hayato rolls them over onto their sides.

"Hey. Hey, oi." Hayato bumps Ryu's chin up with the back of his hand. He catches Ryu's defiant gaze and sighs, slides his hand down Ryu's arm to tangle their fingers together tightly to ward off Ryu's protests, and all Ryu sees for a long moment are big, earnest eyes in the same idiotic face that first urged him into this stupid friendship and more.

"Hey," Hayato starts, "I don't have to say anything. You know I want to beat you up every time you go out of town."

"Like you could," Ryu replies lowly, grip tightening around Hayato's long fingers.

"Look, I'll wait," Hayato says fiercely, looking away; Ryu watches him and thinks, ruefully, that as much as they change and soften up they will never let go of this dynamic with each other. It's not entirely a bad thought.

"I'll wait for you to come back. But not too long," Hayato adds hurriedly, rolling around again and bringing Ryu with him, Ryu's hands landing roughly on either side of Hayato's head to keep his balance. "And if you hit on anyone while you're gone, I'll kill you. And then I'll get Tsucchi, Take, and Hyuuga to kill you again. And Yankumi," Hayato continues loudly when Ryu opens his mouth to retort, "Yankumi will kick your ass."

Ryu snorts at the thought of Hayato siccing Yankumi on him, her pigtails flopping about like a dog's; although Yankumi never wears her hair up when she's serious.

"Don't be stupid." He slides his hands farther down the bed to frame both sides of Hayato's body, knee sliding in between Hayato's legs. He smirks slowly as Hayato swallows and looks up at him defiantly, his own hands scratching down Ryu's body to slip inside Ryu’s pants. Hayato grins as Ryu gasps and throws his head back, dark hair falling into his eyes and Ryu rolls his hips downward in retaliation, kneeling between Hayato's legs and unbuttoning his shirt impatiently; it's somehow all that he can think about now, Hayato naked and - and as vulnerable as Ryu feels right now, raw at the thought of leaving again for so long. Hayato groans as they rub against each other, gasping, "Ryu - fuck, just like that - you can sleep on the plane, right?"

He sucks at the crook of Hayato's neck, enjoying Hayato's harsh breaths in his ear, his hips arching up insistently. Ryu closes his eyes and breathes in while Hayato's distracted, memorizing his smell of faint soap and warm skin. He feels Hayato's hand curl gently around the nape of his neck and Ryu shivers at the play of fingertips against his skin. Ryu raises his head to look down at Hayato, who looks determined not to be embarrassed, pulling Ryu down for a rough kiss, feet flat on the bed to push himself up against Ryu while he draws Ryu's tongue into his mouth to bite and lick against.

"Try not to-" Hayato moans against Ryu's mouth, kissing sloppily as Ryu's hand tightens around his cock, "-miss me too much-"

Ryu wordlessly nips Hayato's mouth and covers Hayato's hand with his own, holding on tightly as they move against each other. He won't make any promises he can't keep.


Ryu looks over his shoulder, tightens his grip on the suitcase as he catches sight of Hayato, tangled in their sheets and exposed skin bruised just like he always is in Ryu's mind's eye, only this time it's not because of a fight.

"Leaving?" Hayato yawns, propping himself up on his elbow. Ryu nods in reply. Hayato makes a face. "Want me to come to the airport with you?"

Ryu shakes his head. "It's alright. Be back in a few days," Ryu says, and the reassuring is more for him than Hayato.

Hayato nods and collapses back on the bed, unreadable and nonchalant, except that he's slowly pulling Ryu's pillow over to him. "Safe flight. Later."

Ryu nods back, standing there for a long moment until he realizes Hayato's eyebrows are raised and he's grinning.

"You're going to be late, bigshot." Hayato waves one hand towards the door. "You can go now."

Ryu smiles over his shoulder when he leaves and Hayato stays awake even though it's really early and his body is begging him to go back to sleep. He waits until he hears the soft click of the front door opening, closing, and locking, then settles into the warmth that Ryu’s left behind, the blankets and sheets already starting to cool.

Their relationship has and always will have ups and downs; it’s not like they’re not used to it after years of dealing with each other’s temper tantrums.

Some days Hayato feels irritated and restless, his students’ scores low or their behavior becoming worse at school and his tone becomes careless and sharp, his movements jerky, his eyes narrow and dark when Ryu offers himself as the target.

But Hayato’s not the type to get angry without some kind of reason, no matter what kind of reason it is, and he’s easier to defuse than Ryu thought he would be all those years ago, when they were both little boys with bruised hearts. All it usually takes is Ryu stepping close to Hayato, almost challenging except for the mild look in his clear brown eyes.

“What’re you looking at?” Hayato mutters, his hands still clenched in fists at his sides, avoiding Ryu’s eyes.

“A no good idiot,” Ryu drawls, leaning forward just enough to invade Hayato’s personal space and prompt Hayato’s gaze to flicker to his. “What else?”

“Why you-” Hayato starts fiercely, eyes flashing and jaw tightening; it’s never taken much to get Hayato going, especially when he’s already itchy under the skin. “What the fuck, I am not a no good idiot, you-” Hayato lunges forward to grab the lapels of Ryu’s suit and Ryu tilts his head, moves into Hayato easily, his hands keeping Hayato’s body pressed tight against his. Hayato struggles at first, efforts lukewarm from the get go as Ryu strokes his tongue into his mouth.

“I know,” Ryu says quietly, mouth turning upwards as Hayato’s angry expression fades into something softer. “Well, the idiot part is true.”

“Why you-” Hayato lunges forward again but he grins, pushing Ryu against the kitchen counter and hitching up the shirt underneath Ryu’s jacket to spread his fingers against Ryu’s skin. Ryu’s usually late to work on the days Hayato has a bad morning. Ryu steps into the CEO office contentedly on those days; he can’t say his boss minds.

When Hayato’s quiet and listless, Ryu learns that the only solution is to be quiet as well, supporting Hayato through a soft touch on the small of Hayato’s back or a chaste kiss to his palm.

“You wanted to have a family,” Hayato says suddenly one Sunday morning when they’re lazing in bed, Ryu waiting for Hayato to say what’s on his mind. Ryu shifts to his side, regarding Hayato seriously. “Remember? I did too. So why-” Hayato looks frustrated, his gaze concentrated on his hand, still cradled loosely in Ryu’s fingers. “Why are we-”

“We didn’t give up our dream,” Ryu interrupts. His stomach is twisting into knots at the thought of Hayato being unhappy, of Hayato leaving for a girl. He hesitates and then asks, “don’t you think this is better?”

“I don’t know,” Hayato replies after a long pause, shifting so that they’re face to face; he smiles crookedly when he realizes Ryu is holding his breath. Ryu tries to act cool but somehow Hayato’s always been able to see through it. “But I can’t find anyone better than you.” Hayato props himself up on his elbow and his smile widens into a smirk. “Guess I’m stuck.”

“Loser.” Ryu feels like he’s never been so relieved in his life, except for that time Ryu had almost left Hayato behind forever, caught up in a childish play of pride. He curls tentative fingers around Hayato’s hip and relaxes when Hayato reaches up with his free hand and starts flicking at Ryu’s palm playfully. “You mean you can’t find anyone else who’ll put up with you.”

Hayato finally grins and insinuates his knee between Ryu’s, twining their legs together underneath the covers.

“Basically,” he agrees and laughs as Ryu punches him. He reels Ryu in by the hip until he can rest his cheek in the crook of Ryu’s bony shoulder and neck.

“We’d be horrible parents anyway,” Hayato murmurs, his lips brushing against Ryu’s skin. “Right?”

“Yeah,” Ryu says hollowly, brushing his thumb across the back of Hayato’s hand. “We would.”

They lie in bed quietly the rest of the morning until Hayato groans and forces Ryu to get up with him and get dressed. They do laundry and dust halfheartedly before collapsing onto the couch together, Hayato twining their fingers together halfway through the movie.

“We’d be, like, the best parents ever,” Hayato says seriously, looking straight ahead at the t.v. while he squeezes Ryu’s fingers hard.

“Yeah,” Ryu says, digging his fingers into Hayato’s palm unwillingly as his hands clench along with his heart, even though it’s been years since either of them have been in a fist fight and this isn’t a problem they can solve with force anyway. “I know.”

Some days Ryu comes home with a blank, impassive expression that's held tight by the tension around Ryu's mouth, forehead, in his eyes. Usually it's because he's had a meeting with his father or because work is piling up again and he has to work later and later.

Hayato wakes up, instantly alert when he hears the soft shuffle of Ryu's movements on those nights, his sleep light and sporadic without Ryu in bed guarding his back. He gets out of bed to lean against the kitchen doorway in his loose, thin pajamas and watch Ryu eat his microwaved dinner. Ryu's shoulders are always set back those nights, his spine intimidatingly straightening Ryu's entire body and so unlike the casual sprawl Hayato came to know in school.

But Hayato has never been one to step down from a challenge.

"Tastes good, right," he says, voice loud when the previous noises were the dim buzzing of the light and the methodical clicks of Ryu's chopsticks against the bowl. He pads over to sit down across the table from Ryu, his bare feet sticking to the cold tiles of the kitchen. "It'd better taste good," he warns, his voice getting louder and confrontational with the knot in his stomach, with Ryu looking at him like that.

"It's ramen." Ryu doesn't stop eating, pulling the noodles quickly from the soup and into his mouth.

"Oi, oi," Hayato leans forward and his eyes narrow; he can't help it, the way Ryu makes him feel - helpless - makes him want to lash out with every fiber of his being. "I usually eat rice balls when you're away, alright? I made ramen for you, so don't complain."

Ryu keeps staring at him, his hands pausing, his soup and noodles probably getting cold. Despite himself, Hayato wants to grab Ryu's bowl and reheat it for him. He wants to pull off every ridiculous bit of Ryu's complicated, shiny suit and toss it into a fire. A fire that he'd light with all the burning things he's been wanting to shout at Ryu.

"We have money," Ryu replies finally, his eyebrows knitting together slightly, his mouth frowning even more. "You can buy whatever you want."

Hayato sighs and reaches across the table to take Ryu's bowl from him, shoving away from the table and making his way to the microwave. He pushes the buttons angrily. "It's not the same, okay?" The beeps cover up the tightness in his voice, he hopes.

He almost jumps when he feels Ryu come up next to him, even though Ryu has always been quiet and sneaky like that. Ryu bumps their hips together and when Hayato glances to his right, Ryu almost looks like Ryu again, only tired and skinnier and like he's playing dress up for a school play they wouldn't have attended anyway.

"That bowl's not microwaveable, stupid."

Hayato leans against the counter and slowly pulls Ryu in, his hands both sure and unsure on narrow hips.

"We have money," Hayato murmurs seriously, eyebrows raised and watching contentedly as Ryu fights a smirk. "We can buy whatever we want for bowls, right."

He wants to kiss Ryu. He does, later, after Ryu finishes his dinner while listening to Hayato's latest story about one of his students who’d almost gotten beat up by a rival at some other school. “It was about dancing, okay," Hayato complains, curling up in his chair so that his cold feet press against the warmth of his thigh. “We fought about way cooler stuff when we were younger.” He uncurls a few moments later when he starts to feel pins and needles and forcefully tangles his legs with Ryu's. It's not enough when Ryu has on his matching, pearly white socks and luxurious pants that make Hayato impatient to feel Ryu's skin.

Ryu lets Hayato tug him away into the bedroom as soon as he plunks his slightly cracked bowl into the sink, his arm grabbed from midair when he reaches to turn on the faucet. He stands, quietly responsive while Hayato kisses him fiercely and unbuttons all his clothes, pushes him towards the bed. Ryu's calmness used to make Hayato irritated, made him want to poke and prod and punch until he could see Ryu's bruises. Later Ryu’s placidity made him feel grounded, because Ryu has always been the voice of reason. And now it's both things combined, and Hayato just wants the uncertainty to go away.

"Ryu," Hayato breathes into the warm skin at Ryu's neck, fingers tightening around Ryu’s hips. He feels Ryu inhale unsteadily. "You'd better call next time you work late or I won't make ramen again."

Ryu starts, snorting in Hayato's arms and every muscle of Hayato's body relaxes. "Your ramen isn't that good."

"You ungrateful bastard, what did you just say-" Hayato tries to disentangle himself and sit up to glare threateningly but Ryu wrestles Hayato's long limbs down easily in reply, climbing over him and sliding clothes off of Hayato's body as he does. Hayato murmurs encouragement into Ryu's ramen-flavored mouth while their hands travel slowly. For rough boys they're surprising gentle when it comes to this.

Ryu collapses bonelessly on top of Hayato after, like a sweaty blanket, his breath warming Hayato's ear. Hayato moves so that Ryu topples onto the bed slowly.

"I like beef ramen best," Ryu says through Hayato's yawn and he laughs when Hayato kicks him under the covers.

With Hayato, even the rough times are good.

*drama: gokusen 2, odagiri ryu/yabuki hayato, *year: 2008, *rating: nc-17

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