the short and long of it:

Dec 25, 2008 00:19

the short:
+mom didn't do any major damage. yay! thank you for your well-wishes!
-dad might be going senile?
+Christmas was good
-am tired.
+jackoweskla, your card came today!

around 7:30 tonight mom finally decided that maybe we should get it go looked at. possibly her motrin wore off, so she decided that yes, it really did hurt that much. So i took her to the hospital, and she got an x-ray and a urine sample to make sure she hadn't fractured anything and that there were no minuscule traces of blood that would indicate kidney damage. It actually went very quickly and we were home by like. 9. They gave her a shot of something and she's moving a lot better now, so i think it's helping a lot.

we suspect dad's going senile. Like, really. There was just this really weird thing where he bought a pumpkin pie along with the traditional apple, and when mom was like 'why did you buy pumpkin?' he's like 'because you like it!' and then we're all like ' no one in this house likes pumpkin pie dad' and claimed that we always have pumpkin pie for christmas. which um. we've never had pumpkin pie in this house. I wonder if his first wife liked pumpkin. or maybe his family had it when he was growing up. It was just. really strange. And kind of depressing, because i know he's not going to do anything about it, particularly if he is starting to lose it.

Christmas was good. Someone came and woke me up at 1:30 and let me tell you 6 hours in a row was absolutely glorious. Then it turned out that mom had talked to dad and i wouldn't have anything to help out with in terms of cooking. So instead i did more last minute tidying up, ate breakfast and helped a bit with the christmas present wrapping. People arrived before the last of it was done, and jianjian had an armful of pie then, so i ran it upstairs and finished in the bathroom. XD then Gabby helped me move the table so that we could set up another next to it and well, set the table. Dinner was great and a lot of fun, then we wrestled Renee away from the presents (fending off Rachel was much lower key) and hid them upstairs until it was time to open it to help reduce the temptation.
We also watched Stomp the Yard and a few episodes of Man versus Wild (lol and the ones grossed out by the exploding larva in bear's mouth went to play rock band) before i took mom to the hospital.

Everyone was gone by the time we got back, and then jianjian and annie wrapped their presents for people while i....fell asleep in the living room. what. it's been a long couple of days.

Beth! Your card is totally cute! i love it! thank you~~

i hate my life, food, tv, 疲れてるけど, my god is an awesome god, annie, mi familia, why aren't you kidding?, the jianjian, i don't even know what to call this tag

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