Jun 26, 2009 05:40

I stayed up all night (bad me). I WROTE and was productive. I (finally) have a complete draft of the story I was supposed to have finished by April 1. It has PLOT. Plot is KILLER. It is also just shy of 16,000 words, 6,000 of which I wrote last night.

Fandom = see icon.

I've sent it out for beta and hopefully it'll be in final, postable form soon!


My left hand may not forgive me for a few days; it's been working at an awkward angle since I turn the computer/keyboard to allow nice ergonomics for the right (dominant) hand, as protecting it is more important in the long run.

Off to get some sleep while people wake up and read story.

s&mk, plot, fic, fanfic, writing

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