Movies: UP

Jun 28, 2009 17:48

So...I've now been to the movies more in the past 12 months than in the preceding four or five YEARS.

Went to see Indy last summer, went to see Witch Mountain this spring, and today, after imbri6 said she was going and after kevenn said today he loved it, and after SO MANY WONDERFUL reviews, I suggested to Husband that we go with the kids to see UP.

I cannot say this enough: it was GORGEOUS and TOUCHING and precious and lovely and just a beautiful, beautiful story of humanity and love and life and honor and courage and loyalty.

I cried (which rarely happens for movies or TV anymore) repeatedly and was filled with joy and hope and...I cannot recommend this highly enough.

I...there are not enough words to express how much I loved this.

review, crying, movies, up

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