Moby Dick: Ramadan

May 09, 2011 09:59

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Now, as I before hinted, I have no objection to any persons religion, be it what it may, so long as that person does not kill or any other person, because that other person don't believe it also. But when a man's religion becomes really frantic; when it is a positive torment to him; and, in fine, makes this earth of ours an uncomfortable in to lodge in; then I think it high time to take that individual aside and argue the point with him.

And just so now I did with Queequeg. "Queequeg," said I, "get into bed now, and lie and listen to me." I then went on, beginning with the rise and progress of the primitive religions, and coming down to the various religions of the present time, during which time I labored to show Queequeg that all these Lents, Ramadans, and prolonged ham-squattings in cold, cheerless rooms were stark nonsense; bad for the health; useless for the soul; opposed, in short, to the obvious laws of Hygiene and common sense. I told him, too, that he being in other things such an extremely sensible and sagacious savage, it pained me, very badly pained me, to see him now so deplorably foolish about this ridiculous Ramadan of his.


He looked at me with a sort of condescending concern and compassion, as though he thought it a great pity that such a sensible young man should be so hopelessly lost to evangelical pagan piety.

-Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Chapter 17: Ramadan

tl;dr: Ishmael is basically this guy.

Remember when I did something with my life that wasn't Moby Dick? Me neither.

comic, ishmael, drawing, moby dick, fanart, art, queer, queequeg

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