Dec 20, 2008 15:42
OK, OK, OK... the combined powers of Deb and Bella are too much for me.
As I've mentioned before, I have no Christmas spirit to speak of. HOWEVER... given that, to quote Jules, I was in the presence of an "according to Hoyle" fucking miracle last night, the least I could do is do the happiness meme.
It STILL makes me happy so it counts for today.
So... I kinda hit a car last night. This is my first one that I've hit while it was actually in motion (garage doors and parked cars don't count).
Happy-making things:
1. The other car (a taxi) was BARELY dented on a surface the size of my thumb.
2. My car is not even scratched! Not a single dent, it's like it never happened.
3. The taxi driver decided we both had better things to do than drive to the police station and write statements so I got away with ten euros insted of having my license revoked for six MONTHS.
I'm telling you, "It's a Saturnalia miracle!"
mad driving skillz yo!