amand_r Sep 09, 2010 11:42
doctor who, fanfic writing, post it notes!, reaction posts, sad fecking panda, i is tired, writing in general, it cut off my tag!, fuck yeah, superman, mandarin tourist in paris, conventions, the ??--let me show you it, aiming to misbehave, daleks are all up in my shit, nobody beats the wiz!, lolwhut, links to stuff, people i'd fuck, i need a goddamn pop tart, writing fanfic, jack harkness's cock, haters? in my vag-jay-jay?, global-thermal nuclear warfare, resident evil, i did it with a wiffle ball bat, cooking, zhen bang!, your mom, torchwood!, gdl reads my blog, the awesome--let me show you it, fanart, it's on now, personal wiggety-wack, lulz, do it bitches, every fandom evar, social commentary, photos, awwwwww yeah
amand_r Feb 20, 2010 12:26
dc comics, personal wiggety-wack, x-men, superman, narnia, books, the suck--let me show you it