*Minato is in the S.E.E.S. dorm, looking around for something. Something about him will seem slightly odd to those of you who know him. If you look closely, you may realize: His headphones are missing.
SELECT RESPONSE: Help Minato find his headphones? Mock him? Just come in and thread so Hino will unlazy more? <*
Who: S.E.E.S. Where: 4th Floor of the Dormitory When: March 27th, Dark Hour Ratings: PG? Warnings: NONE, YOU ARE FREE FROM PUNS SINCE THIS ARE SRS BZNS Summary: SHADOWS IN THE CITY-- WHO YOU GONNA CALL!
Who: Tamon! Where: Paulownia Mall. When: After school. Ratings: G, possibly PG for a swear word or two? Warnings: Warning, Tamon is lame. Summary: Tamon dawdles at the mall. Strange things happen.