Who: Tamon!
Where: Paulownia Mall.
When: After school.
Ratings: G, possibly PG for a swear word or two?
Warnings: Warning, Tamon is lame.
Summary: Tamon dawdles at the mall. Strange things happen.
He still felt a bit embarrassed walking around, being half-white and all that, but people didn't seem to notice that much. It wasn't like Iwatodai was Tokyo or anything. If he had anything at all to worry about, it would be explaining to his parents why he was late.
Rather, bullshitting an excuse, because "I decided to walk around the mall for no reason" tends to be a little flimsy.
But really, he just enjoyed looking around. He wished he could have been here with a friend or two, but, well...such was life! In the absence of one, it was nice just sitting on the bench and appreciating the quiet splooshing of the fountain behind him, the scent of that coffee from Chagall, and the sights of people going in and out of shops. Okay, so he was a bit of a weirdo. But he needed a bit of time to think lately, what with the disturbing hallucinations at midnight and all.
They were so terrifying he didn't really want to test them out any more, either.