Jan 11, 2008 21:58
Who: Matthew, Katori
Where: School Field, Gekko H.S.
When: Afterschool, Jan. 10th.
Ratings: PG-13
Warnings: Nothing really, training and some sparring.
Summary: Matthew invited Katori to the field to train, driven by recent events that have happened and to get his mind of another possible event.
It was a cool day, but not overly cold. Matt, to himself, took off his school jacket and unbuttoned his school shirt and removed his tie, tossing them aside in a small pile by his bookbag. Whilst hummming to himself, he opened the bag and took out a pair of gloves, putting them on, before adjusting his weighted wristbands and anklebands, which he now wears at all times, before beginning to do some streches..
"He better show up..." Matt thought to himself as he stared at the entrance blankly while stretching his arms...