I went to the mountain, I drank from the fountain

Dec 10, 2010 15:26

Pursuant to my post yesterday about ridiculous amounts of fantasizing during the day (and night, whenever), I was buoyed up this morning on the subway when Proust basically validated my existence:

"If we are to make reality endurable, we must all nourish a fantasy or two."

He's talking about his hope for a reconciliation with his love Gilberte, although he knows it is not possible, and has determined to cut her out of his life entirely, in case an accidental meeting makes the rift irreparable. "I was like a poor man who will wet his dry crusts with fewer tears if he imagines that a stranger is about to leave him a fortune." [Remembrance of Things Past: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower] And that's kind of where I'm living -- in hope that around the corner is this amazing thing that would never actually happen, but is worth fantasizing about.

At an Indigo Girls concert last night -- and that's another story -- I was asking my friend/boss about her fantasies. I've been worried about her - she's depressed and has OCD and other things going on. She said, "Oh man, I don't have any. I used to have goals, but I don't anymore." I said "NOT goals, fantasies. Things that give you pleasure to think about." She almost couldn't grasp the concept.

Anyway - my friend/boss had said she'd buy me the ticket to the Indigo Girls at Irving Plaza if I'd just GO with her. Unfortunately the concert should have been called "Indigo Girls and Friends present a Holiday Extravaganza." Then I might have known that it wouldn't just be mellow rocking out but rather "oh hey we met this guy at the Mercury Lounge last night and now he'll sing us a song!" and "this is from our new holiday album where we sing every song you just heard at the CVS!" So, yeah. That happened. Luckily my friends Red Bull and Vodka were also there.

In other news, apparently my Yuletide story is just going to write itself because obviously *I'm* not writing it.

new york fuckin city, what to expect when you're alive

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