Just ignore me.

Dec 09, 2010 16:59

Drive by...

If you needed any other reason to get invested in the ridiculous slash pairing of Hawaii Five-O, other than the ridiculous slashiness of said pairing...

cottontail has screencapped their synchronized tongue action.

It seems a lot of SGA people are going in this direction, which makes me gleeful and also makes sense. It's total TEAM - as you can see here in a prescient bit of artwork by bluespirit_star. I mean come on. Kono (Grace Park) in a bikini = Teyla in Athosian-wear. Chin and his ostracism from the force = Ronon and his expulsion from Sateda. Also, see Stargate Five-O!

There should be a Remix/Re-imagine ficathon where you take another author's Stargate fic and remix it into Hawaii Five-O. I'm kidding. NO, do it. No, kidding. (No, do it).

stargate atlantis, hawaii five-o, recs

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