I hate most holidays

Dec 25, 2014 01:13

The only holiday with any redeeming value is Halloween. The fact of (possibly) getting gifts for Xmas does NOT balance out the bullshit commercialism, everyone constantly replaying the same shitty songs because of tradition, the ads, the "OMG war on xmas" nutters, the fact I can't see my parents for the holiday because we're both poor and live hundreds of miles apart, every damn thing except the shittiest places being closed for the day, the buses running on the shitty Sunday schedule, and the fact that "fruitcake" (which contains no actual fruit and isn't even a cake) is a thing that exists.

And then there's the fact that I just don't understand why people feel the need to mark off these fucking days as "special" anyway. To me, every week is the same: five regular days (M-F) followed by a shitty day (Sat) and followed by an even shittier day (Sunday). I wouldn't even notice or care about the holidays (except Halloween/Samhain) if they weren't shoved in my face like a thousand flashers waving their dicks in my face. That is how little I care.

Thanksgiving? Oh yes, let's celebrate white colonists being helped out by the First Nation tribes only to repay their kindness with genocide, by shoving a bunch of food in our mouths until we puke, because THAT sounds like fun.

And Christmas? A holiday stolen from the pagans and given the excuse "Jesus was born on this day" even though the fucking Bible says he was born in the springtime, which is celebrated by capitalism forcing everyone into an orgy of commercial materialism, using another figure stolen from pagans (Santa Claus, who is based loosely on Odin Allfather) to brainwash children into enthusiastically egging their parents into joining the materialism orgy.

Easter: Celebrating Jesus's resurrection (which apart from being impossible, we have no way of knowing when it would have happened) with rabbits that lay eggs, painting eggs and hiding them for children to find, and the giving of chocolate; a holiday named after a Greek Goddess called Eostre. WTF?

Valentine's Day, which celebrates an infamous massacre with romance and chocolate and flowers, a holiday which was invented specifically to once again get people to buy buy buy for capitalism's sake. (Much like Mother's Day and Father's Day.)

Saint Patrick's Day, named after the guy who came to Ireland, said "Convert to Christianity or I'll fucking kill you," and succeeded; supposedly an "Irish Pride" day, but in reality is just an excuse to get drunk, and an excuse for government employees to be fucking lazy.

And then dozens of other bullshit holidays that were only made to give government employees and post office workers the excuse to be even more fucking lazy than they already are. They already only work weekdays, they don't need any more fucking days off.

This was cross-posted from http://alex-antonin.dreamwidth.org/233179.html
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holidays, rants

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