Dec 25, 2014 00:38

Ah, Satanasmas is nearly upon us now. This is the time of year we tell Jack Frost to go fuck himself in the ass with molten steel.

This is the season for finding the kinds of idiots who insist you say ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of ‘Happy Holidays’ and making them as fucking uncomfortable as the law allows by responding with "Merry Satanasmas! May Our Infernal Dark Lord bless you and your kin!"

This is the time of year when we respond to the idiotic “war on Christmas” bullshit with “fine, you want a war on Christmas, then you’ll GET ONE.”

Tis the season when those of us with the money to do so put up the most offensive nativity scenes we can think of, for example: Aborted baby Jesus (or baby Satan), his four wise men being Death, Famine, War, and Pestilence. His earthly father being Josef Fritzl, the virgin Mary being obviously a girl aged 14 or younger. (Maybe with a sign on it saying “JESUS WAS BORN IN THE SPRINGTIME YOU DUMB-FUCKS, EVEN YOUR BIBLE SAYS SO!”)

Also it is the time to retake ancient traditions back from the Xians, to treat Satanasmas as a time to get drunk, stoned, laid, or have whatever other kind of fun you want to have, because Fuck Winter.

Lastly, Satanasmas is the time of year to say “Fuck you and your habit of only wishing for peace one fucking night/day a year. Every fucking day should be dedicated to peace!”

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satanasmas, christianity, yule, satanism, christmas

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