How do monoamorous people even function with all that suspicion and jealousy? How can they be so deluded as to think that they - one person - could ever fulfill all the needs of their partner? And are they so insecure that they feel they have to try to be everything for the other person? It sounds so fucking exhausting, I don’t know how they do it.
And how can they have so little capacity for love that they can only love one person romantically at a time (or feel romantic love for just one person at a time)? I’ve always fallen in love left, right, and center; I can’t imagine being like “No I only have feelings for THIS person, and nobody else.”
Gods, if they really only DO have romantic feelings for just one person at a time, no wonder they get jealous. It must feel to them like they’ll never love again if things don’t work out with the one they currently love. What a sad way to live. My sympathies to those poor souls.
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