May update

May 18, 2013 13:23

Armageddon: I woke up early yesterday morning after a bad dream in which I arrived at the Wellington convention with nothing for the actors to sign ... so I hopped on eBay and Amazon (which I should have done a month ago) and ordered a couple of posters. I have changed my leave and booked flights and hotels so with luck there is nothing more to do until we get there. Nice to see Jason Momoa added to the guest list - I hope that the Hobbit and Stargate streams don't clash too much. Still, there's always ChiCon in August.

WoW: haven't done much except Darkmoon Faire dailies, then I found out that the heirloom upgrade costs are being slashed next patch so I heaved a big sigh of relief and went back to levelling the rogue instead. The shaman is on hold since the XP for 80-85 is also being reduced.

Writing: not much, just footling around with background info and working on getting DDD coded for AO3 - I know I had it coded for the old website, and I still have those files, but of course being an inveterate tinkerer I had made some changes, and the copy on which those changes had been made was the all-in-one Word doc with all the extra line breaks taken out. The doc as it is now is not displaying properly when uploaded as html, and it's too large for the AO3's Rich Text editor, so yes, I am splitting it up into individual chapters and recoding every single italic and paragraph break ... one of these days I will learn to keep a master copy. I'm adding a few words to TTT12 every couple of days and I am determined to get the bloody thing finished and posted and off my conscience.

Film: I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness the other day and really liked it - much, much more than the first film. I would love to do a huge review of it but even if it were under a cut I know some people would not be able to resist peeking and I don't want to spoil it for them. (Yes, kapuahi, that means you.)

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films, conventions

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