Important question, a few webchat musings, lj appears to be dicking around again ...

Aug 06, 2007 22:24

1. Which is cooler?

Poll V. Imp Question
2. I spent about an hour earlier today writing a long and rambling comment on buttfacemakani's journal arguing that it is important that Lily/a certain character could never have happened, even if certain character had made different life choices, because it increases the tragedy of certain character's life, and more importantly, because that's the way the world goes round - and then I realised they were all talking about the webchat.  So that's my understanding of the world screwed, then.

Random thoughts on the glorious webchat:

Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures where she was instrumental in greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk. She then moved (despite her jibe to Scrimgeour) to the Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement.


The Hufflepuff common room: It is a very cosy and welcoming place, as dissimilar as possible from Snape's dungeon. Lots of yellow hangings, and fat armchairs, and little underground tunnels leading to the dormitories, all of which have perfectly round doors, like barrel tops.

So the Hufflepuffs basically live in Bag End.

Jess Mac: What was the third smell that hermione smelt in the amortentia potion in hbp (ie the particular essence of ron)

J.K. Rowling: I think it was his hair. Every individual has very distinctive-smelling hair, don't you find?

Actually, I find that people's hair smells of their shampoo ... but whatever. ♥

Nigel: Can harry speak parseltongue when he is no longer a horcrux?

J.K. Rowling: No, he loses the ability, and is very glad to do so.

This makes me ridiculously sad. I love that Boa Constrictor.

Lola Victorpujebet: Was minerva in love with albus

J.K. Rowling: No! Not everybody falls in love with everybody else...


I know some have asked about Quirrell with regard to this question. He was teaching at Hogwarts for more than a year, but NOT in the post of D.A.D.A. teacher. He was previously Muggle Studies professor.

Isn't it nice when things you assumed were mistakes turn out to have been thought through?

And, wow. So Neville/Luna is dead, again. That's kind of cruel.

J.K. Rowling: [Aberforth] is still there, at the Hog's Head, playing with his goats.

This is possibly the most sinister thing I've read all day.

3. Or, not.

Somebody drew some NC-17 rated Snarry. LJ deleted the user's journal.

"... the community’s ire was aroused when a support ticket received a response stating that the ages of the characters were not in question, but rather whether or not the piece possessed any artistic merit as subjectively judged by LiveJournal staff." ~ here

Are LJ fucking joking?

4. I have cut my hair. It is now not dissimilar to what we refer to as the 'Pansy Parkinson' look.

5. Things you might like to look at:

loonybottom - Shiny new Neville/Luna comm. With shiny artses.

fireworkfiasco's clever, clever realisation about why Neville didn't do a certain something in Deathly Hallows.

omniocularis having a Deathly Hallows challenge. Open to everyone.

hpgw_ficafest is doing likewise. Again, open to everyone.

On a related note, one of the ficafest prompts is 70. Ginny gives Harry his first haircut after all those months he spent on the run.

To the girl who claimed it:  you are so fucking lucky I didn't write that last week. I was thisclose.

Yeah, check who it is. *sighs at pointlessness of life*

6. Has anything good been written in the Harry/Ginny fandom since DH yet?

hp: fandom: wank, {polls}, hp: book 7, {recs}, hp: rupert grint has an ice cream van

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