Quickly, quickly, mes bebes:

Aug 08, 2007 00:55

1. Letter to LJ/SA. Sign it if you want.

2. VERY IMPORTANT. If you have not yet finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and do not want to be spoiled, comment here. In fact, if you do not live in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, comment here and tell me your position anyway. I am perfectly happy to spoiler-cut things. I just want to know if I should continue, and for how long. OK? Ok, good. I await your comments.

Yes, I mean you, lurkers.

3. WHAT is the point of the Lexicon if has not been updated with DH canon? Am I supposed to know everything there is to know about Dean Thomas off the top of my head? For the fail, Lexicon.

4. Oh, and: here's something I don't think I recced last wankfest: a reason not to go to journalfen, which I think is important. Won't Somebody Think of the Fannish Children?

hp: fandom: wank, hp: book 7, hp: fanfic: porn, {recs}

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