(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 21:41

I'm baaaack!

And I have FIC!

Yessss ... forget what I said about not being able to write Harry/Ginny. I now have a bunch of cheesy happy crap to turn into proper ficz. Not a piece of mildly angsty melancholia in sight.

The Luna/Dean died a tragic death, i.e., they never got past bullet point stage. I have Lee Jordan gen, though. Only the Lee thing won't be finished before Christmas, because it is quickly becoming epic and longer and longer and longer. And I have a summary for George!Fic, but no actual fic, which is a shame ... and a testament to my laziness. Annnnndddddddddd um some other stuff. Comedy!fic about Harry, Voldemort and those on the outskirts. (You know where and when.) It's called 'Blessed are the Cheesemakers'. Sadly, it does not work as well as I would like.

BUT in something else I have been writing Harry and Ginny are going to GET SOME. Well he has only unhooked her bra as of yet but I swear to God, people, I will write it. No more 'tasteful' blackouts or people barging in shrieking 'Weasley!' or any of my other cunning tricks. I will write it. I will.

Oh I LOVE to come back to a bulging inbox full of the crap you people talk.

Oh, England with your grey skies and your motorways and your rain, I have missed you. Not.

88 Spam emails. 0_________________________o

Au revoir, sweethearts! *blows kiss* I may not be checking my flist for a long, long time. Or, until tomorrow morning.

hp: fanfic

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