I have been thinking about my seemingly endless tears. I have been depressed in the past but I don't think my tears are a result of being depressed. Some of my tears are for me. Tears for the loss of peace, fear of the unknown and that horrible scary word cancer. I have always cried at movies and sometimes books. I cry when I am happy and when I am
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Most of us, we're de-sensitized and callous, and we couldn't muster up tears unless someone stabbed us.
If you're in a period of depression, then we're here for ya.
** hug **
Can you still sleep, laugh, and experience joy if you're depressed? My personal experience is yes, but it takes me expensive pills to get that which you're blessed naturally.
I tried lithium, and fell off of it because I literally became a zombie; the focus upon depression was for my attempt. They gave me meds for someone with severe depression, and they work like a charm (after they found the proper dosage); I think it's still a bit too high because my dreams are occasionally terrors, but not like the week of night terrors I experienced when we tried doubling the dosage.
The cost of happiness: astronomical pharmaceuticals and the occasional day of rowdiness/horseplay. I still don't smile (at least, that's what everyone around me says) and I look sad, but I'm neutral most of the time--that is, I feel nothing. It's wayyyyyyy better than before. : ) Without them, I'm unemployable; with them, I'm normal.
My eternal optimism is showing. (hasn't been around much lately) I try to see the positive and the good in situations and people. I am glad that you have found something that works and never mind about what people say. Smiling is highly over rated.
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