Thanks, Cadillac

Sep 27, 2009 23:03


1. PEGGY AND DUCK ARE YOU KIDDING ME!??? What he said to her about tearing her clothes off with his TEETH!? HAHAHA OH MY GOD. OH. MY. GOD.

2. Don telling Peggy off almost made ME cry. WHAT A DICK.

3. NO CONTACT WITH ROGER STERLING!?!?!?! Jesus Christ Don Draper is SUCH A DICK!!! ALL of these people are SUCH dicks LOL. Apart from Cooper, Joan, Cosgrove, and Harry, every person on this show is a total asshole, LOL I LOVE IT.

4. Betty Draper is the coldest bitch ever, I don't like her 90% of the time (she is SO MEAN to those kids, and so proper and uptight and I hate her) but damn did she look fierce walking into that bakery to meet governor's office guy.

How many episodes do you think it will be until she bangs that guy on her new pink fainting couch!?

5. Conrad Hilton frightens me LOL.

6. Peggy and Pete are still my OTP. Every scene with them is gold.

7. WHAT ABOUT THE BALLS ON THE TEACHER!? HAHAHA she actually caught Don off guard.

8. The hitchhiker girl is from Zoey 101 on Nickelodeon hahaha. I was sad when I realized I recognized her.

9. Sally's lisp has got to go.

10. Drinking out of a glass WHILE driving and popping phenobarbs HAHAHAHA what a fucking rock star!!!

11. Did I miss something, or does Cooper totally know that Don isn't really Don? That whole thing about him signing the contract was creepy!! Did he ever really find that out, or did he figure it out on his own??

I love this show SO MUCH. Every episode is pretty much perfect.

I think I'm going to be Peggy Olsen for Halloween. I'd be Joan, but there's no way in hell I could ever pull that off haha.

mad men

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