
Sep 24, 2009 21:58

1. FlashForward has promise, I have to admit. I don't like that they picked so many British actors to play Americans (just let them be British, sheesh!) but I thought it was pretty cool. Jack Davenport! Joseph Fiennes! Harold/Sulu! Penny from Lost! Roger's bitchy wife from Mad Men! Ruby from Supernatural! Seth McFarlane for some reason! And hopefully Dom Monaghan soon!

It's a cool idea, I really hope they can pull it off!

Did you all see the Oceanic Airline sign in the background? HAHA, ohhh ABC. I also saw a Desperate Housewives bus ad in the background.

2. SUPERNATURAL WAS AWESOME ON A VARIETY OF LEVELS. It was both hilarious and CRAZY. a's;ldfka';lsfkas;ld

POOR SAM, oh my god! LUCIFER'S VESSEL? NO SHIT. Can I say how much I love how calm and nice old Lucifer seems? LOL and it's probably because I'm so tired but I never even guessed Jessica was Lucifer. No idea.

Those other hunters are dicks.

LATER, TWILIGHT. There were so many hilarious lines in this episode I don't even know where to start. Castiel called Raphael HIS LITTLE BITCH HAHAHAHA "What he said!"

Jensen Ackles' comedic timing has slowly evolved to perfection, swear. Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel, indeed.

And what about Castiel being a virgin!? HAHAHAHA the face he made at "Chastity" was SO FUNNY (you think she spelled it "Chastitty?"). And Cas holding his badge upside down!? HAHAHA "He's new."

I heart this show so much. Next week will be Legen...wait for it...DARY.

And now I'm off to watch The Office. And Bones. And Community. And Fringe. And Project Runway. And It's Always Sunny. Goddamn you, Thursdays!!! I need to go to bed...eventually!

flashforward, supernatural

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