I wonder what the not pathetic people are doing tonight.

Sep 28, 2009 22:35

The Big Bang Theory actually made me ~*Laugh Out Loud*~ tonight multiple times. I have no idea how a show that started out so mediocre has become one of the funniest shows on TV (I'd say Jim Parsons has a whooole lot to do with that, but I digress) but I love it.

I won't spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet, but the bit with the guys coming out of the doorway? PRICELESS. HAHAHA.

Any suggestions as to where to find really awesome:
a) Big Bang Theory icons
b) Mad Men icons (ETA: I was just informed Roger Sterling is now following me on Twitter HAHA yesss)
c) How I Met Your Mother icons?

So I'm slow cooking a pork roast in a crock pot overnight, and I had to rub it with liquid smoke before I stuck it in there, and now I can't get my hands to stop smelling like a dirty sponge laying in the kitchen of a Burger King ;_;

In other news, I'm halfway through Book 5 of the Sookie Stackhouse series. Not loving this one as much, I think it's the severe lack of vampires! More Eric, plz.

P.S. Tonight's House was called "Epic Fail." And I love that.

icons, books, big bang theory, true blood

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