Thanks, Cadillac

Sep 27, 2009 23:03


I need to discuss this haha. )

mad men

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Comments 24

sarmoti September 28 2009, 03:33:39 UTC
Apart from Cooper, Joan, Cosgrove, and Harry, every person on this show is a total asshole, LOL I LOVE IT.

LOL YES. This show should be called MAD ASSHOLES and I'd love it even more.

Did I miss something, or does Cooper totally know that Don isn't really Don? That whole thing about him signing the contract was creepy!! Did he ever really find that out, or did he figure it out on his own??

Pete told Cooper at the end of S1 that Don was really Dick Whitman and Cooper was like "LOL WHO CARES? GTFO, PETE" and it was awesome.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:12:53 UTC
That's right, I couldn't remember if Cooper knew for sure or not, he seemed so shady saying that thing to Don when he handed him the contract to sign!


tunaeverynight September 28 2009, 03:36:50 UTC
It's weird, but Betty is actually my favorite character by a landslide. I realize she's mean to her kids and makes terrible choices and is so burned out, but I find it really, really interesting. To be trapped in this life you never wanted just because you had to be. And now she's this nervous wreck who just wants to be a slut but can't be. LOL. IDK, something about her just resonates with me.

Don is my other favorite character, too. WHICH SHOULD BE A SIGN OR SOMETHING THAT I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON, LOL.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:14:23 UTC
I had a big debate with a friend of mine about Betty a few weeks ago and she was totally with you! I think it's just who you relate to more - I can totally relate to Peggy, so I love her and hate Betty. My friend can relate to Betty, so she loves her and hates Peggy haha. They're both great characters, I just think one or the other really pisses you off haha!


lostsailors September 28 2009, 03:42:07 UTC
In my typical "don't really watch, but will comment because it's better than the nothing I am doing!!omg." manner, I was thinking I could totally do a Joan costume if I just had a dress, you know and time. I even have red hair! I'll come over to your house and we can trick or treat together, ok? That is unless I just decide to go as, "Sleep Over Me!" aka show in my pajamas at work. We'll see how October goes. Ooh! And Sebastian can play the lawnmower that ate that guy's foot, because it's true.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:15:35 UTC
UM, YES. I could have a Halloween party in your honor and we could get drunk and talk about our cats too much XD


behindthechalet September 28 2009, 04:30:12 UTC
I think Cooper does know? I think Pete brought all the evidence to him and Cooper was like, "stfu, Pete," but now he's holding it over Don.


bomburjo September 28 2009, 05:18:26 UTC

6. Peggy and Pete are still my OTP. Every scene with them is gold.

I'm starting to think this too. For some reason I like Pete, I don't even know why, haha.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:21:17 UTC
I know, I LOVE Pete and I can't understand why because he's a GIGANTIC tool bag!!


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