Hogwarts, in conjunction with the Ministry of Magic, are offering a modular course of magical basics to adult students. Classes are taught by volunteers or employees of the Ministry, and as such the teaching staff will change frequently. However, the course material is prescribed by the Ministry, leaving little freedom for any teacher.
Each subject consists of one introduction module, three basic modules, and two intermediate modules, which are to be taken in that order. Four modules are to be taken each half-term, though intermediate modules will last a full term. They will be selected by the student. After the introduction class for a subject is taken, students may combine basic modules in any way they choose.
With dedicated study and a carefully arranged schedule, a witch or wizard will be able to complete all courses in two years. A failed subject, however, will have to be assessed for areas of weakness, and classes will be repeated.
Students in the Sixth and Seventh years will also take these courses. Should they complete a subject to an Exceeds Expectations standard or higher, they may choose to move onto NEWT level classes for that subject at the start of the next academic year.
☆ Transfiguration
Introduction to Transfiguration
The first half of this module is wands-free. Students will learn basic terms used in transfiguration, relevant laws and legislation, and significant historical figures and their contributions to the subject. As the module progresses, students will learn very simple transfiguration spells, such as transforming a match into a needle.
Object Transfiguration
Students will learn basic transformation spells, and the importance of precision. Size and complexity of the objects to be changed will increase as the modules progress.
Switching Spells
Students will learn how to switch elements of one object with another. Switches will increase in scale and complexity as the module progresses.
Transfiguration Types
This is a theory class to build and reinforce the knowledge learned in the introduction. Students are expected to be able to describe the different branches of transfiguration, and provide examples of spells in each category. Transfiguration types include transformation, vanishing, conjuring, and untransfiguration.
Intermediate Transfiguration 1 & 2
These two modules each take a full term, and students will start to work on OWL standard material. Students will be expected to use switching and transformation spells with greater precision than in previous modules. They will also begin to work on Vanishing spells.
☆ Potions
Introduction to Potions
The first half of this module is theory. Students will learn basic terms used in potion-making, the uses of different equipment, laws and legislation, and significant historical figures and their contributions to the subject. Later in the module, students will learn a few simple, easy potions.
Simple Remedies
To be taken in conjunction with Medicinal Plants
Students will learn to produce simple remedies for minor complaints, including mild sleep potions and cures for boils. Later in the module, they will begin incorporating work done in the related Herbology module.
Practical Potions
Students will learn to brew simple potions with practical applications, including shrinking and swelling solutions, and a few cleaning solutions.
Ingredients Recognition and Properties
A theory-based module. Students will learn about different ingredients used in potions, how to identify them and assess their quality, and the properties they contribute to a potion.
Intermediate Potions 1 & 2
Students will begin to learn OWL standard material. They will expand their knowledge on how ingredients combine, and learn to brew several potions more complex than earlier modules. Potions include, but are not limited to, various antidotes, Wit-Sharpening and Strengthening solutions, and the Draught of Peace.
☆ Charms
Introduction to Charms
The first half of this course is wands-free. Students will learn how to differentiate between charms, jinxes, hexes and curses, the basic theory behind spellcraft, wand motions, and significant historical figures and their contributions to charmwork. During the second half, students will learn some basic, motion-based charms, such as the levitation charm.
Charms for Around the Home
Students will learn charms aimed towards housework, including cleaning, the repairing and cleaning of objects, and sticking and unsticking charms.
Charms for Everyday Use
Students will learn a set of basic “essential” charms, including Lumos.
Charms for Self-Protection
To be taken in conjunction with Defensive Duelling
Students will learn the theory and motions behind several important defensive spells, including the disarming charm and the shield charm. They will also be required to identify and describe more advanced defensive charms, such as the Fidelius Charm.
Intermediate Charms 1 & 2
These two courses each take twice the length of earlier courses, due to the difficulty of the content. They contain material that is considered to be OWL standard, including but not limited to banishing and summoning charms, colour change charms, and silencing charms.
☆ Defense Against the Dark Arts
Introduction to Defense Against the Dark Arts
This module consists of theory and history. Students will learn what kinds of dark magic they may need to defend against, about famous dark witches and wizards, and the downfall of He Who Must Not Be Named.
British Magical Beasts and How to Defend Yourself
Students will learn about the magical beasts found in Britain, how to identify them, and various defences that can be used against them.
Defensive Duelling
To be taken in conjunction with Charms for Self-Protection
This class is largely practical. Students will be able to practice duelling, using spells from the related Charms class, in a controlled environment.
Jinxes, Hexes, Curses and their Counters
A theory class. This expands on students' knowledge of jinxes, hexes and curses learned in the introduction, going into more specific spells and appropriate counters.
Intermediate Defense Against the Dark Arts 1 & 2
Students will move onto OWL standard material. They will learn in more detail about defensive spells, curses and countercurses, about the unforgivable spells (their names and effects), improve their knowledge on dangerous magical beasts worldwide. The theory portion teaches students about recent dark wizards, the nature of the magic used, and discusses the pros and cons of the precautions used against them.
☆ Herbology
Introduction to Herbology
The first half of the module is theory-based. Students will learn about the practical applications of Herbology, the importance of appropriate plant care, and significant historical figures who have contributed to the subject. The latter half of the module will take place in the greenhouses and introduce students to the basics of plant maintenance.
Dangerous Plants of Britain
This module introduces and discusses more dangerous plants found in Britain, their practical uses, and how to care for them while minimising risk.
Medicinal Plants
To be taken in conjunction with Basic Remedies
Students will learn how about medicinal plants, how to identify them, and their properties and uses both in raw form and in potions.
Plant Care and Maintenance
This module takes place entirely in the greenhouses. Students will assist in the care of various magical plants under supervision, in order to develop their knowledge and gain confidence.
Intermediate Herbology 1 & 2
Students will learn OWL standard material, and will be required to demonstrate their competence at identifying, understanding, growing and caring for a variety of plants more complex than in previous modules.
☆ History of Magic
History of Magic In Brief
The introduction class briefly discusses key periods and events from the last 2000 years. Later in the module, there will be a particular focus on recent history, up to the downfall of He Who Must Not Be Named.
The Story of Hogwarts
Students will learn about how the school was founded, about the founders, the construction of the castle, its significance to the magical population of Britain, and significant people and events.
Rebellions and Uprisings
In this module, students will learn about key uprisings and rebellions in magical history, their events that lead up to them, and what resulted from them.
Muggle Relations Through the Ages
Students will learn about how relations with the non-magical population have changed, up to and including the introduction of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1689.
Period Study: Medieval Magic
One of the intermediate classes. Students will learn about how magic advanced and changed from the 5th to the 15th centuries and key events from that period.
Law and Legislation: Dates and Events to Remember
One of the intermediate classes. Students will learn about significant laws and legislation, the events and reasoning for their implementation, their effects on the magical community, and continued importance in modern times.
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