יום קפור / Día de la expiación / 贖罪の日 / День искупления / Day of Atonement

Oct 12, 2005 18:46

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And thus starts twenty-five hours of fasting (nothing passes the lips but air during that period of time).  I might not be the most observant person in the world (I can already hear Carl saying something snide about me eating bacon ^^;;;;), but this I at least do.  I remember one year WORKING on Yom Kippur, which isn't really intelligent seeing as I worked at a grocery store.  By sundown even the Snausages were looking appealing, and that simply means that I'm an incredible pussy when it comes to this. :: laugh ::  And you know, there are people who have it much worse than I do and have to go without sustinence ROUTINELY, so at least I come away with SOMETHING, right?

... because I so don't buy the whole "experiencing the life of an angel" spiel I used to get fed as a kid.  Yeah, I don't see angels being so hungry they're ready to eat dog treats, thank you. ^^;;;;


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