Revelations of a Trekkie

Feb 05, 2014 14:34

So, once upon a time, I went to Star Trek conventions. TOS (The Original Series for those of you who don't know), because I'm just THAT old. And I saw a bunch of the actors I loved (not Nimoy or Shatner though) in person.

And, I collected ST cards. In my last post I showed you a picture of a plaque I had made with some of them. Don't worry. I still have a copy of each of the cards in a protective sleeve.

The infamous, "Shirtless Kirk" wild card

The special "Chekov" card, unsigned unfortunately. :)

And, of course, "Spock". I suspect that he's the original from which Alan Rickman's Snape characterization evolved. Their names start with the letter S, have 5 letters in them and even sound similar, Snape Spock. Say that three times fast, if you can.

I had to buy this comic which was a take-off from one of my two favourite ST:TOS episodes... "Mirror, Mirror". My other favourite. "Amok Time", of course.

picspam, hobbies

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