Dear Diary - 3

Mar 26, 2009 21:14

Title: Dear Diary
Chapter: 3/?
Author: scwolf_10k
Rating: PG (bordering to PG-13)
Pairing: DiexKaoru
Word count: 522
Disclaimer: They belong to their own selves and each other.
Summary: AU - Die experiences a new feeling.. apparently for the first time.

Author's note: Wow.. I finally got around to write a new chapter of this one! And I gotta say that I enjoyed writing Die's new little experience xD I hope you'll enjoy it as well! ^__^

Previous chapters: one, two.

Dear Diary,

It's been a couple of months since I last wrote. Things got hectic at school with tests and homework and I didn't have much time to write in you! So sorry for that. I hope you'll forgive me.

The last time you heard from me was on my birthday. Kaoru got me those awesome roller-blades and I can't wait for the snow to melt so I could wear them to school!

Diary, there's something bothering me. Next week it's Kaoru's birthday and I don't know what to get him. My mom says she'll bake some cookies and will wrap them in a nice bento box. But Kaoru's a GUY! And guys don't like to get cookies on their birthday! Besides, you don't give cookies to a guy unless you're a GIRL! And I am NOT a GIRL! I have a dick! >_<

Speaking of that.. a few days ago Kaoru showed me some magazines he had borrowed from his cousin. They had naked people in them. Well, one had naked girls and the other had naked men. I was SHOCKED! O____O

At first I wondered why people would want to get their nude pictures taken and put those in a magazine for the whole world to see, and then Kaoru explained it to me. Those magazines were meant for adults.

I gotta admit that I didn't like the one with naked girls. They looked so.. fake, somehow. Their boobs were just way too big to be normal. And their lips looked like a bee had bitten them. x)

But when I looked at the other one, with naked men, something weird happened in my pants. I'm not sure what it was, but it felt like all the heat in my body decided to gather around my dick. It was scary! D:

I put the magazine aside and Kaoru must've noticed how terrified I looked, because he stared at me with wide eyes. And since he's my best friend, I decided to tell him what the magazine made me feel, and he said it's okay cuz he gets the same kind of feeling from looking at BOTH magazines. Holy shit, Kaoru! *gapes* =O

He said he'll teach me how to get rid of that feeling, and he was about to, but his mother knocked on the door and called us for dinner.

And now I have to wait until the next time I see Kaoru, so he could tell me what to do if get that weird feeling again. I guess I'm lucky it didn't happen while we were outside! It would've been embarrassing! x__x

And now I'm in my room, which isn't really my room, cuz I share it with my sisters. And I'm trying to come up with a birthday present for Kaoru.

Gah! Why is it so hard to decide on a present???!!! Help me, Diary!!! DDDx

Oh wait.. I forgot that you can't talk, but you only listen. Or read.. since I'm writing in you xD

I'll just keep on thinking until I could come up with an idea.

It sucks to be poor >_<


dir en grey, multi-chapter

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