Good-bye Days

Apr 13, 2009 10:47

Title: Good-bye Days
Author: scwolf_10k
Rating: PG
Pairing: ToshiyaxOMC
Word count: 791 (minus the lyrics)
Summary: They were parting, but they had smiles on their faces.
Song: Good-bye Days by YUI
Disclaimer: Toshiya owns himself. I own no one. That is so sad.

Author's note: While I was listening to this song, the story created itself in my head, and I wrote it down. I'm not sure if a break-up between lovers can happen this way. At least, I don't think so. But hey, this is fiction and anything is possible in fiction, right? Also, I only saw Toshiya in the image the song created in my mind. So the other person can be whoever you want it to be. Oh and if you don't know the song, you could search for it on youtube. Sorry I couldn't upload it for you. I can't do that when my net is dead and I'm posting through my mobile phone ^_^; As usual this isn't beta'd. Other than that, I hope you'll enjoy reading it <3

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-Good-bye Days-

Pushing through the crowd and attempting to make his way into the subway, Toshiya had barely thought of how annoying it was for most people to do that. Either push or be pushed. He wasn't really careless (reckless, inattentive, yes - sometimes - but never careless) but he didn't mind pushing people around in order to use the subway to go to wherever he needed to go. It was fast, and cost him less than a taxi would. So pushing through the crowd was just a small price to pay for speed and convenience and to Toshiya that was definitely worth it. Not that he lacked in the financial department, but he liked to save money whenever he could. Who knows what would happen in the future?

At this moment I'm on my way to meet you.
I've decided that...
This tune tucked inside my pocket...
I would love to make you hear it.
Carefully, I begin increasing the volume.
I attempt to get it just right.

He knew where he was going. And he was hoping that in the end it to be good enough to keep a smile on his face. Finding an empty seat, he looked to see if there was an old man or lady standing around, and when he saw none, he decided to take the seat himself before any one else would claim it. As he sat down he took out his mp3 player and put the earphones inside his ears and started shuffling through the songs until he found the one he wanted to hear at this moment. It was a song he knew would perfectly fit for today.

Oh good-bye days, now.
In the air, I sense changes are coming.
To yesterday, we bid so long.
Your awkward kindness is still around me.
La la la la la with you.

He whispered the lyrics along to the song, nodding his head slightly in sync to the music, looking outside the window when the train reached a part out of the tunnel and was going over a bridge. The dark-haired man smiled as he stared at the tall buildings which stood high around the bridge, as if guards surrounding the object they were supposed to look after and protect. But what were the buildings protecting the bridge from, Toshiya had no idea. Nor did it matter to him. It was just a pleasant thought. Just the way he wanted this day to end: pleasant.

I hand you one side of my earphones.
Time fleets right by us in an instant.
Have I loved you well enough?
I'm really perplexed by that sometimes.

As he reached his destination, he looked at the tall building he was supposed to enter, but instead of doing so, he took out his phone and dialed a number, asking the one he loved to come and meet him here. He felt like walking a bit.

A few minutes later a tall figure came out of the entrance, a bright smile on his face as he greeted Toshiya with a peck on his cheek. Arms around each other's waists, they started walking, heading towards the nearby park where there were less cars and people around.

Leaving the earphones hanging around his neck, the sound of the music could be heard as they walked side-by-side, and Toshiya looked at his beloved with a smile, wondering if what they were doing was the right thing to do.

Oh good-bye days, now.
Something is starting to change in my heart.
Your awkward kindness is still around me.
La la la la la with you.

Maybe it was. Maybe they should do it this way rather than the usual fighting, arguing and hurting each other's feelings like other couples did when they were about to go in separate ways. But Toshiya wasn't like that, neither was his beloved. They understood the reasons behind this. They knew why it had to be this way, why they were supposed to break-up. And as much as it hurt their hearts, but it was needed. And the fact that each of them understood and respected the reasons the other had only made them love each other even more than before.

If it's possible, I don't want to feel sad at all.
But the time will come when we have to break up.
I'll say good-bye with a smile.
"Yeah, hello my friend!"
It'll be good if I could say it like that.
When we sing a song together...
I wish you would come closer and sing with me.

They stood under a cherry tree, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, the smiles never leaving their lips as they talked, bid each other good-bye, and hoped to meet again in the future as friends.

As much as it hurt him to break-up with his beloved; it was needed. They could've agreed to continue meeting in secret, away from the prying eyes of both their families, but they didn't want to hide. It was either black or white. And they chose white. There was no grey. Toshiya hated grey, and so did his beloved.

They'd continue loving each other, although not as lovers, but as memories from the past and friends in the future. No matter how their lives had been decided for them, they'd always have one piece that had always been their own and not anyone else's. That was the piece they'd keep safe from pre-decided obligations and family traditions.

Parting wasn't as hard as Toshiya thought it'd be. And he did walk away with a smile on his face. Turning back for a moment to have a final look at his beloved, he saw the other smiling and waving at him. Toshiya waved back, yelling a "good luck!" before he turned and continued his way back to the train station.

Your awkward kindness surrounds me.
It was good to have met you.
La la la la good-bye days.

-The End-

one-shot, dir en grey

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