The Tattoo - 1

May 06, 2009 00:48

Title: The Tattoo
Chapter: 1/2
Author: scwolf_10k
Pairing: Kyo/OFC
Band: Dir en grey
Chapter rating: PG-13 (for a couple of swear-words)
Warning: none for this chapter
Word count: 1799
Summary: She didn't care he was a celebrity, and he liked it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyo *sob* D:

Author's note: I had written the beginning of this back in February when the plot bunny decided to run away. But today it was back, and instead of making it a one long one-shot, I decided to divide it into two chapters (hopefully it won't get more than two xD) so you wouldn't get bored ^^ as always: not beta'd. But I hope you'd like it ^^;

+ My story archive.
+ Feel free to friend my writing journal: _wolfishness

-The Tattoo-
-Chapter one-

The tattoo parlor was unusually crowded. People seemed to have heard about someone important being there today and all had gathered inside and outside the place with cameras and banners, cheering for the person inside.

A short young woman with short, black spiky hair and black clothes made her way through the crowd, pushing herself through the mass of people, trying to get to her work-place. It was so un-usual to have so many people there. The maximum number of people who'd show up there at the same time was six or maybe seven at times, but that was on very rare occasions, like when a group of friends decided to get a tattoo or a piercing together at the same time.

Once she was finally inside, she took off her jacket and hung it over the clothe rack, and proceeded towards the backroom where she normally worked. One of the apprentices got her chair and instruments ready while she washed her hands and proceeded with the rest of the preparations for her first customer of the day.

"What's all this about?" she asked the apprentice as she finished washing and drying her hands and started putting on the disinfectant cream.

"Haven't you heard?" the apprentice said as he placed the inks on her table. "We have a celebrity today."

"No shit." She replied with a slight snort. Celebrities never came to this place as it wasn't one of the well-known parlors.

"I'm not kidding, Jen. Didn't you see him? He's your first customer for the day." The young man answered, and took out a pair of gloves for her.

"Really now," she said, without a hint in her tone showing whether she was interested about that or not. She hadn't noticed any celebrity that she knows of, but then again, the place was crowded like hell, and one could barely see where they were heading, let alone noticing some celebrity inside the shop.

"He's Kyo of Dir en grey. Surely you've heard of them!"

Now that name sounded familiar. The man's name sounded Japanese, but the band name was a mix of English and some other language that she didn't really recognize. But it still held some familiarity to it.

"You were at their concert two days ago! You kept complaining about obnoxious teenagers in weird hairdos gathered at the venue!" For some reason the younger man was getting impatient at her behavior. Usually she'd recognize a band before the name was even mentioned!

"I was escorting my cousin, okay? I wasn't at the concert myself. I waited at a near-by café for her to come out of that hell hole." Her voice held some irritation. He was talking to her as if she KNEW the band he's talking about and was just playing cool to be the only one who didn't give a damn about that Kyo guy coming here for whatever reason.

"Right, now shut that mouth of yours and go fetch that celebrity guy, and tell Mandy to throw everyone who isn't a customer or escorting one to get the hell out of here or both of you are fired." She huffed. The cheering noises were getting to her by now, and usually she was a very patient and tolerant person. But everyone had a limit where they'd explode, and she didn't want to reach hers. She was a professional, and she shouldn't take out her rage on any customer, no matter who they were. The damage she could inflict on them were long-lasting, and that would give her a bad reputation which would definitely affect her business.

The apprentice stopped talking and did as he was told, and quickly went to the front room and invited the celebrity named Kyo in, and then he went to help Mandy with getting all the fan girls and boys out of the place.

"I am sorry for causing trouble." Kyo said with a broken, Japanese-accented English, bowing slightly after he walked into the back room.

Jen stared at him, and then nodded. "It's okay." And in a way, it was okay, since he apologized. She knew that it wasn't his fault that fans had followed him here, but still, she would've preferred to be able to work without the annoying cheers being heard from outside. "Have a seat, and let's talk about what you'd like to do." She motioned for him to sit on the chair she'd be working at, and he did so.

"Tiger tattoo." Kyo said, and before Jen could ask him where he wanted it, he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, revealing his finely shaped abs and made a circular motion on the side of his torso, where he wanted the tattoo to be placed. And then he pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket and after unfolding it, he held it out for her to see the design he wanted.

If Jen was a fan girl, she would've been visibly drooling right now. Only, she wasn't a fan of the guy, and she didn't even know him to begin with. But no girl with at least some sense in her head would be able to keep her eyes off the nicely shaped abs this man had. And when he showed her the design, she quickly came back to her senses and took the paper from him and looked at it. "Very interesting." She mumbled, mostly to herself, but then she looked at him. "Did you draw this?" the nod he gave her was all the answer she got, and so she started preparing the image to be transferred to his skin.


A couple of hours later the outlines were done, and Jen put the tattoo gun aside and stretched her back muscles after sitting in a bent position for so long. "Ahh I'm getting old." She chuckled.

Kyo sat up, not really understanding what she said, so he simply looked at the outlines of his new tattoo before he turned to look at her. "Nice." She stared at him with wide eyes, not really getting what he was referring to with the last comment. "The tattoo, nice." He repeated with a nod, and Jen smiled, somewhat relieved that he meant her work and not her. She wasn't really fond of her customers flirting with her inside her shop. It was a different thing outside her work place, though.

"I'm glad you like it." She said; her smile still in place. A compliment from a customer always made her proud of her work, no matter how many times she heard it. "It'll look better after I add the shades and the red."

Kyo nodded, and was about to lie down again before Jen tapped his arm and motioned with her hand for him to remain sitting. "Not so soon. You might be feeling comfortable there, but I need to rest my back a bit. Would you like something to drink? We've got soda, beer, coffee, tea.. umm.. something else.."

"Beer good." Kyo said with a single nod. Thankfully he knew the names of the essential beverage.

"Okay." She replied and got up, taking her gloves off and throwing them in the trash can and opened a little fridge she had put in the room for her and her customers, and took out a bottle of beer for Kyo, and a can of ice-tea for herself and sat down on her chair as she handed Kyo his beer.

"Arigato gozaimasu." Kyo said as he took the beer from her, but seeing the confused look she gave him he quickly added. "Thank you."

"Oh, don't mention it." She smiled. "Was that 'thank you' in Japanese?"

"Yes. I am from Japan." Kyo said, taking a few sips of the beer.

"Oh I know you're from Japan. I just haven't actually heard Japanese being spoken outside television. You know, movies and such." She sipped her ice-tea as well and leaned back in her chair as they spoke.

Kyo tried to process what she was talking about so he could give her a proper reply, even though he didn't get much of what she said. "You never went to Japanese neighborhood?" he finally asked. He made a mental note to thank Nora later for the few English lessons she had forced upon him.

"Never." Jen admitted. "Though, I always wanted to go to one of the tattoo shops there to get some information about the Japanese body art. Of course, I could get them off the internet or body art magazines, but I prefer talking to the artists in person."

Kyo only nodded at that. It was like downloading a song off the internet or hearing it live. Big difference there.

"How did you find the shop anyway?" Jen finally asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"I was passing by, and wanted a tattoo. So I came in." Kyo replied, shrugging.

"That explains why you had the picture with you already."

"No, I was going to get a tattoo tomorrow after the show, with other bands." Kyo said, wrinkling his nose at the mention of the other bands. "The last time I did that, they ruined my arm. Artist was drunk." He pointed a finger at his right arm. "I wait until I go to Japan and fix it."

"Gosh, those bastards." Jen didn't hide her frustration at that. In her profession, it was unacceptable to be drunk while working, since anything that could go wrong would leave a permanent mark.

They continued chatting a bit until both finished their drinks, and Jen got herself a new pair of gloves and continued working on Kyo's tattoo. A couple of hours later she was finally done and she looked at the final product with pride.

Kyo sat up and looked down at his torso. "Very good." He grinned and stood up. Jen showed him a full-length mirror where he stood for a few minutes and examined the new piece of art he had on him, and when he was done viewing, Jen approached him and started applying an antibiotic cream over the tattoo and then covered it with a sterile bandage. Kyo thanked her again and put on his shirt while Jen took off the gloves and washed her hands, after which she escorted him to the front desk so he could pay.

Once he was done with the payment, he thanked everyone who was there and was about to leave when he spotted a group of fan girls still outside the shop. "Kuso.." he mumbled to himself and turned to Jen. "Is there a way I could.."

"The back door." Jen cut in. She knew what he was referring to as she had noticed the fans as well. "Come with me."

-End of chapter 1-

Chapter 2

dir en grey, multi-chapter

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