The Tattoo - 2

May 10, 2009 04:36

Title: The Tattoo
Chapter: 2/3
Author: scwolf_10k
Pairing: Kyo/OFC
Band: Dir en grey
Chapter rating: PG-13 (for a swear-word)
Chapter warning: none
Chapter word count: 1134
Summary: She didn't care he was a celebrity, and he liked it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyo *sob* D:

Author's note: aaaaah it turns out I couldn't make this into just two chapters, and I'm gonna have to add another chapter xD The funny part? I don't like reading short chapters of the stories I read (because they are just too brilliant to be short! And I always want moooar!), but here I am, writing very short chapters myself. xD Well.. we all know yaoi is more popular than het fics in fandom, so I guess short chapters for this story is okay, right? *bricked* xD And again, I'd like to note that this isn't beta'd, but I hope that you'll enjoy reading, even though it's not an actual chapter, but more like something in between.. a transition, maybe? Ah I guess I'll just leave you to read it to know what I mean. Enjoy!

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+ Feel free to friend my writing journal: _wolfishness

-chapter one-

-The Tattoo-
-Chapter two-

"Dude, I tell you, she treated me like a regular customer. No questions about the band or the other crappy questions we get from fans. Nothing!" Kyo said as he put on his shirt, getting ready for the show.

"I think it's pretty normal." Shinya said from where he was sitting on the couch in the dressing room. "She's not a fan, so obviously she hasn't heard of us."

"Yeah, he's right." Toshiya said while styling his hair. And then he froze, gasped and turned away from the mirror to face his band mates. "Holy shit, I've admitted that Carnivora here is actually right!" he dropped to his knees in a dramatic manner, raising his head and arms up to the ceiling. "THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END! ...ow! Hey, that hurt!" he rubbed his head where Kaoru had smacked him lightly, and got up to his feet to continue styling his hair.

"Quit being a jerk for once." Kaoru grinned, picking up his cigarette and smoking.

"Party pooper." Toshiya gave his friend and band leader a sheepish grin, to which Kaoru only responded with a snort.

"Was she cute?" Die asked, coming to sit next to Shinya and crossing his arms behind his head.

"I didn't notice." Kyo replied, shrugging. In his mind, he tried to remember how she looked like, now that Die brought up the subject. After all, he had watched her for a bit while she was working on him, but he didn't really pay much attention to whether she was cute or not.

"You spent over five hours with her, and you didn't notice if she was cute?" Die raised an eyebrow. "Dude, how retarded can one be?"

"Speak for yourself. You'd go after any ass that'd smile at you." Kyo replied, smirking.

"Mind you, they happen to be gorgeous." Die waggled his eyebrows and made ass-grabbing motions in the air. "Or, I'm just charming like that." He brought his hands back to behind his head and grinned.

"Show off." Kyo chuckled, and after he finished getting dressed he walked out of the dressing room.

Soon all five of them were on stage, putting their all into their performance. Kyo ripping his throat with his screams and the others burned the stage with their powerful music. All the fans at the show were hypnotized by their stage presence. Their performance wasn't much long since they were in this tour only as a supporting band, but the forty-five minutes they spent on stage were enough to make everyone who was there to lose their minds over the music.

Once they were done, all five of them got off stage and headed to their dressing room, changed clothes and hung around the other musicians; some watched other bands perform, until the day's show was over. After which they all went out for the after party, where Die got himself drunk beyond recognition, which resulted in Kaoru and Inoue having to drag him out of the bar and into a taxi so they could get him to the tour bus.

Kyo, on the other hand, was simply hanging at the bar counter, drinking beer and watching the others partying. He saw Toshiya disappear into the shadows with a groupie, and Shinya was drinking with a couple of their roadies.

Getting bored of the whole thing, and seeing that the night wasn't going to end even though it was well past midnight already, he left his half-empty beer bottle on the counter and walked out, opting to take a walk before he'd grab a taxi and go to the tour bus to get some sleep before tomorrow's show.

I'd love to be home right now. Lie down in my bed and watch a movie, maybe. But mostly just to be in my bed. I hate this country, and especially their musicians. Why did I ever agree to this stupid tour? Oh yeah, international recognition. Damn you Kaoru and your convincing skills. Well.. if nothing, at least I got a new tattoo out of it.

While he walked through the dark streets, thinking and cursing at his decision to agree on doing this tour, his mind took him back to the previous day's happening: the tattoo shop, the fans, and the tattoo artist, Jen.

I guess I should've paid more attention to how she looked. Die's right, how retarded can one be? he sighed as he stuck his hands into his jeans pockets and stopped under the traffic light, waiting for it to turn green so he could cross the road. I wonder if I should go to the tattoo shop again? Maybe I could get a new piercing or something.. just so I would have an answer to Die's question. But.. if they found out I went there again, then I'm screwed. Ugh, fuck you, Die! Why did you ask me that question? Now all I think of is whether she looked good or not!

The light turned green and Kyo started walking. He didn't know where he was going, since he wasn't familiar with the city. But he wanted to enjoy the peace the night provided in privacy before he could grab a taxi and head back to where they had the tour bus parked. At least he had the address memorized.

The gentle breeze played against his cheeks as he reached the other side of the street and continued walking into a darker alley. It was a starry night, but the moon was nowhere to be seen. Sad. He would've liked to see the moon. It was a source of inspiration for him most of the time.

His legs led him from street to street, alley to alley, until he suddenly stopped in front of a light coming from a shop lined beside several other dark ones. It was the tattoo shop he had come to a day earlier. Tilting his head, he wondered if it would be her who was working so late. Looking at his watch, he raised an eyebrow when he saw that it was almost three in the morning.

Shrugging, he decided it was best if he didn't go in. Maybe it wasn't her who was in there, and he didn't want to embarrass himself by walking in and cause any inconvenience to whoever was there. It was none of his interest anyway.

Pushing his curiosity about Jen aside, he continued walking until he reached the main street. Lighting himself a cigarette, he inhaled deeply and exhaled into the darkness of the night. A few minutes later he saw a taxi approaching, so he held his arm up and stopped it, tossing the half-smoked stick to the ground before stepping in and giving the driver the name of the street where the tour bus was parked.

-End of chapter 2-

dir en grey, multi-chapter

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