Dear Diary - 2

Jun 27, 2008 02:26

Title: Dear Diary
Chapter: 2/?
Author: scwolf_10k
Rating: G
Pairing: DiexKaoru
Word count: 743
Disclaimer: They belong to their own selves and each other.
Summary: AU - Die gets his first real birthday present.

Author's note: I caved in to the requests of continuing this! xD It's not beta'd, so excuse teh mistakes xD

Dear Diary,

It's me again. Guess who called this morning? Kaoru! He wanted us to meet after lunch. Said he got something for me.

I went to meet him at the mall. That's where we always meet if we're just hanging out. There's not much to do for kids of our age, you know? Just go to the mall, do some window shopping, have a burger or two, sometimes even sushi, but burger is better. Americans love it. Maybe one day when I'm an adult, I'll go to America and live there. They say it's a big country and kids move out of their homes once they turn 18. Well, we can't do that here. Not unless we go to college or university in a different prefecture. Or get married.

Ew.. I don't want to get married. Girls like that stuff, but I don't. Imagine kissing a girl. Yuck! *gags* I wonder what they like about it. I overheard my sisters the other day, and they were giggling over kissing guys.. ON THE MOUTH! EWEWEW!!! DDDX

I don't want ANY girl to kiss me on the mouth. That's disgusting! DX

Anyway, back to Kaoru. I went to meet him at the mall, and he was holding a big box wrapped in red gift paper and a white bow. I thought he had gotten an early Christmas present, and I felt so happy that he wanted to open his present with me.

But the truth is: it wasn't his Christmas present!! At all!! He got it for ME! :O

Well, it is my birthday today :3 I'm turning 14 8D Even though I'm not celebrating it, cuz we can't afford a party, but it was nice to get a present from my best friend! Kaoru got me roller-blades! ISN'T THAT AWESOME!!! 8D Now I don't have to walk to school! I'll roooooll~ xD

Well, okay, maybe once the snow has melted, but until then I can practice at home! *squeals*

He had his own roller-blades with him, and he wanted to teach me how to skate on them. I think it's called skating, right? Not that it matters, anyway. The important thing is: I got my first real birthday present, and I love it!

So we put them on and the instant I tried to stand up, I slipped and fell on my butt. It was painful, but hilarious. You should've been there to see me XD ..On a second thought, it was good that you weren't there and didn't see me. It was kind of embarrassing XD

We spent a couple of hours skating around the mall, and I had finally gotten the hang of it, and then I came back home and showed mom what my friend got me. She was upset at first, saying that accepting a present means I should be able to give him a present on his birthday, which we definitely can't afford.

It kind of upset me, you know? Mom's reaction. But then she hugged me and said not to worry about it, and that she'd help me find a good present for Kaoru when it's time for his birthday. I love my mom so much <3 she's awesome.

She even made me a cake later in the evening! A chocolate cake! It was delicious! And my sisters smothered me with hugs and kisses. I hate that DX *rubs cheeks*

My dad gave me 20 yens. Said it's not much, but it's what he could afford for a present at this moment. I put the money in a little jar in the kitchen for mom. She needs it more than I do. She's the one who goes grocery shopping to make us some food, after all.

I love my family. Even though we don't have much money, but we love each other and that's what makes life look better than it really is.

As for Kaoru, I'm glad to have him as a friend. He doesn't let me feel that I'm of a lower class. He treats me like an equal, buys me food and presents and doesn't expect anything back. I wish I could do the same for him.

Maybe one day when I'm old enough and have a job, I could do the same for him.

Okay, Diary. I'm feeling sleepy now. I'd better go to bed because tomorrow I have to get up early and start practicing on my new roller-blades.

Love you!

-Next chapter-

dir en grey, multi-chapter

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